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Appendix A. A soluble example

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 674.

In this appendix, we consider a soluble model in which the potential V (x) of (4.67) is



with W2 > μ2 and


γ=α+β. (A.2)

Following (4.68), we introduce two symmetric potentials:



with, for x 0,






so that (A.1) can also be written as



Let ψ (x), χa (x), and χb (x) be, respectively, the ground state wave functions of


(T+V(x))ψ(x)=(x), (A.7)


(T+Va(x))χa(x)=Eaχa(x) (A.8)



(T+Vb(x))χb(x)=Ebχb(x). (A.9)

For |x| > γ, since V (x) = ∞, we have



For |x| < γ, these wave functions are of the form








By substituting these solutions to the Schroedinger equations Figs. (A.7), (A.8) and (A.9), we derive








The continuity of ψ′/ψ at x = ±α relates


-cot=tanhq(α-δ) (A.16)



-cot=tanhq(α+δ) (A.17)

with β given by (A.2). In the following, we assume the barrier heights W and



to be much larger than k and p; therefore, the wave function ψ is mostly contained within the two square wells; i.e., and are both near π. We write



and expect and θ to be small. Likewise, introduce



The explicit forms of these angles can be most conveniently derived by recognizing the separate actions of two related small parameters: one proportional to the inverse of the barrier height


()-1 1 (A.21)

and the other


e-2<<<1, (A.22)

denoting the much smaller tunneling coefficient.

To illustrate how these two effects can be separated, let us consider first the determination of θb given by (A.20). The continuity of at x = ±α gives


-pbβcotpbβ=qbβtanhqbα. (A.23)

From (A.15), we also have



Although the two small parameters Figs. (A.21) and (A.22) are not independent, their effects can be separated by introducing p and q that satisfy


-pβcotpβ=qβ (A.25)




Physically, p and q are the limiting values of pb and qb when the distance 2α between the two wells → ∞, but keeping the shapes of the two wells unchanged. Hence Figs. (A.23) and (A.25). Let


pβ=π-θ. (A.27)

From (A.25), we may expand θ in terms of successive powers of ()−1:



which determines both p and q. By substituting


θb=θ+ν1e-2qα+O(e-4qα) (A.29)

into (A.23) and using Figs. (A.24), (A.25), (A.26), (A.27) and (A.28), we determine



Likewise, the continuity of at x = ±α gives


-kaβcotkaβ=qaβtanhkaα, (A.31)




As in (A.25), we introduce k and that satisfy






Similar to Figs. (A.27) and (A.28), we define



and derive



As in Figs. (A.29) and (A.30), we find to be given by






To derive similar expressions for θ and of (A.19), we first note that the transformation


αα+δ (A.39)

brings Figs. (A.23) and (A.17), provided that we also change


and therefore


θbθ. (A.40)

Since according to (A.1), the asymmetry of V (x) is due to the term in the positive x region, it is easy to see that


δ>0, (A.41)

as will also be shown explicitly below. Thus, from (A.29) and through the transformations Figs. (A.39) and (A.40), we derive


θ=θ+θ1, (A.42)



θ1=ν1e-2q(α+δ)+O(e-4q(α+δ)) (A.43)

with ν1 given by (A.30). Likewise, we note that the transformation


αα-δ (A.44)

brings Figs. (A.31) and (A.16), provided that we also change


and therefore



Here, we must differentiate three different situations:





In Case (i), when


e-2q(α-δ) 1, (A.47)

from (A.37) and through the transformations given by Figs. (A.44) and (A.45), we find






with given by (A.38). According to Figs. (A.13) and (A.19), we have



which leads to



Since in accordance from Figs. (A.28) and (A.36), we find






Thus, the left side of (A.51) is dominated by its first term, μ2β2. Since θ1 and are exponentially small, we can neglect in (A.51). In addition, because θ and are much smaller than 2π, (A.51) can be reduced to



which gives the dependence of δ on μ2. It is important to note that an exponentially small μ2 can produce a finite δ. For δ < α, at x = δ we have, in accordance with (A.10)


ψ(δ)=0, (A.55)

which gives the minimum of ψ (x). The wave function ψ (x) has two maxima, one for each potential well.

In Case (ii), α = δ and (A.16) gives cot = 0, and takes on the critical value with



In Case (iii), , and ψ (x) has only one maximum.

As in Figs. (4.73) and (4.75) we introduce χ (x) through



so that



in which, same as Figs. (4.76a) and (4.77a),






with Ea and Eb given by Figs. (A.14) and (A.15). Since according to Figs. (A.4) and (A.5), Va (x) Vb (x), we have


Ea>Eb; (A.61)




Write the Schroedinger equation (A.7) in the form (4.80):






As in (4.82), we have



In all subsequent equations, we restrict the x-axis to


|x| γ, (A.66)

and set ψ (x), χ (x) positive. Define


f(x)=ψ(x)/χ(x). (A.67)

We have, as in Figs. (4.84) and (4.85),



or, on account of (A.65), the equivalent form



The derivation of f (x) is given by


f(x)=-2χ-2(x)h(x), (A.70)




or equivalently,



In order to satisfy (A.65) and by using (A.59), we see that



Thus, Figs. (A.71), (A.72) and (A.73) give



The positivity of h (x) gives



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References | A.1. A two-level model
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