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A.3. The iterative sequence

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 540.

The integral equation (A.68), or its equivalent form (A.128), will now be solved iteratively by introducing


ψn(x)=χ(x)fn(x). (A.136)

As in Figs. (4.87), (4.88) and (4.89), fn (x) and its associated energy are determined by






When n = 0, we set


f0(x)=1. (A.139)







From (A.59) and



we derive






For n = 1, we have from Figs. (A.139), (A.140) and (A.141),








For small μ2, since EaEb and M0N0 are both O (μ2), we find



in agreement with (A.117), given by the simple two-level formula.

Next, we examine the integration for fn (x). Consider first the region


α<x<γ, (A.149)

(A.137) can be written as





ξ=ka(-x+γ), (A.151)






When n = 0, we set


v0(ξ)=sinξ. (A.154)

From (A.150), or more conveniently by using (x|G|z) given by (A.130), one can readily verify that, for α < x < γ,



etc. These solutions can also be readily derived by directly using the differential equation satisfied by ψn (x) = χ (x)fn (x):



where in accordance with (A.14), . For α < x < γ, we have


and therefore



Introduce Sn (ξ) and Cn (ξ) to be polynomials in ξ, with



From Figs. (A.153), (A.157) and (A.158), we find



where the dot denotes , so that , etc. At x = γ, we have ξ = 0, and therefore



For n = 0, S0 (ξ) = 1 and C0 (ξ) = 0. Therefore, for n = 1, (A.159) becomes



Assuming S1 and C1 to be both polynomials of ξ, we can readily verify that S1 is a constant and C1 is proportional to ξ. Using (A.161) and the boundary condition (A.160), we can establish the first equation in (A.155), and likewise the other equations for n > 1.

To understand the structure of v1 (ξ), v2 (ξ), v3 (ξ), … , we may turn to the exact solution ψ (x) given by (A.123). In analogy to (A.153), we define v (ξ) through



Thus, for α < x < γ,



From Figs. (A.13), (A.14) and (A.118), we have



In terms of



we write



with ξ given by (A.151), as before. It is straightforward to expand v (ξ) as a power series in :



To compare the above series with vn (ξ) of (A.155), we can neglect O ( n + 1) in (A.167). The replacements of all linear -terms by n, 2-terms by n − 1 n, 3-terms by n−2 n − 1 n, etc. lead from (A.167) to vn (ξ). It is of interest to note that the expansion (A.167) of v (ξ) in power of has a radius of convergence


| |<1. (A.168)

On the other hand, the iterative sequence {vn (ξ)} is always convergent, on account of the Hierarchy Theorem. The main difference between Figs. (A.155) and (A.167) is that in (A.155) each iterative n is determined by the fraction (A.143).

In a similar way, we can derive ψn (x) in other regions, −α < x < α and −γ < x < −α. The results for n = 1 are given in Table 2. The functions 1 (x) and ξ (x) are discontinuous from region to region. The constants κII and ρII are determined by requiring ψ1 (x) and and to be continuous at x = α. In region I, when x = α+, we have






where the constant






In region II, when x = α






where the constant



The constants κII and ρII are determined by



Likewise, the constants κIII and ρIII are given by



and the constants κIV and E1 are determined by



Table 2.

The n = 1 iterative solution ψ1 (x) in the four regions: I (α < x < γ), II (0 < x < α), III (−α < x < 0), and IV (−γ < x < −α)

Region 1 (x) ξ (x) ψ1 (x)
I ka (−x + γ)
II qax
III qbx
IV pb (x + γ)

The constants , κII, κIII, κIV, ρII, and ρIII are given by Figs. (A.176), (A.177) and (A.178).


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