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A.2. Square-well example (Cont.)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 597.

We return to the soluble square-well example discussed in Appendix A.1. As before, ψ (x) is the ground state of T + V (x) with energy E, which is determined by the Schroedinger equation (A.7). Likewise, χ (x) is the trial function given by (A.57); i.e., the ground state of with eigenvalue 0 = Ea, in accordance with Figs. (A.58), (A.59) and (A.60). From Figs. (A.59) and (A.65), we see that the energy difference












Before we discuss the iterative sequence that approaches , as n → ∞, it may be instructive to verify (A.119) by evaluating the integrals Figs. (A.120) and (A.121) directly. Choose the normalization convention of ψ and χ so that at x = γ



From Figs. (A.10), (A.11) and (A.12) and (A.57) we write





By directly evaluating the integral ∫χ (x)ψ (x) dx, we can readily verify that for γ x 0



and for −γ x 0,



Both relations can also be inferred from the Schroedinger equations Figs. (A.7) and (A.58). Setting x = 0 and taking the sum (A.125) + (A.126), we derive


which, on account of Figs. (A.13), (A.14), (A.15), (A.16), (A.17) and (A.18), leads to the expression for the energy shift , in agreement with (A.119).

Next, we proceed to verify directly that f (x) = ψ (x)/χ (x) satisfies the integral equation (A.68). With the normalization choice (A.122), we find at x = γ, since ψ (γ) = χ (γ) = 0,



which gives the constant in the integral equation. The same equation (A.68) can also be cast in an equivalent form:



where (x|G|z) is the Green's function that satisfies




For x < z, (x|G|z) is given by






is the irregular solution of the same Schroedinger equation (A.58), satisfied by χ (x). That is,



Consequently, over the entire range −γ < x < γ



According to Figs. (A.11), (A.12) and (A.57), we have



where A and B are constants given by




Since in (A.128), there are only single integrations of the products χ (z)ψ (z) and , one can readily verify that f (x) satisfies the integral equation, and therefore also its equivalent form (A.68).

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A.1. A two-level model | A.3. The iterative sequence
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