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Geometric algebra and classical mechanicsDate: 2015-10-07; view: 526. It is now straightforward to use the formalism described so far in classical mechanics as was done in [3]. We will here only give two examples to show where the advantages of geometric algebra lie. Let us first consider the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator, which is defined by the differential equation
In the second term appears the expression a± As the second example we consider the solution of the Kepler problem by spinors [11]. One uses here the fact that the radial position vector r = r1σ1 + r2σ2 + r3σ3 can be written as a rotated and dilated basis vector:
The components ri of r can then be expressed in terms of the components ui of U = u1 + u2σ2σ3 + u3σ3 σ1 + u4σ1σ2:
which is the well-known Kustaanheimo–Stiefel transformation [12] and [13]. Comparing Figs. (4.2) and (4.3) leads to the notational correspondence
One can then choose for the constraint
which means that the superfluous fourth component r4 stays zero for all times. With this constraint it is possible to invert the geometric algebra relation (4.6) for U. Implementing Figs. (4.7) and (4.6) gives
By introducing a fictitious time s which is defined as
it is then possible to regularize the divergent 1/r-potential so that (4.8) reads
Substituting now the inverse square force
one obtains:
which is the equation of motion for an harmonic oscillator. This equation can be solved in a straightforward fashion and is much easier than the equation for r. The orbit can then be calculated by (4.2). The Kepler problem can also be treated in the canonical formalism. For this purpose one first needs the KS-transformation for the momentum. If
with W = w1 + w2σ2σ3 + w3σ3σ1 + w4σ1σ2. For
Equation (4.14) allows to transform the Hamiltonian into ui- and wi-coordinates. This is done in several steps [13]. Starting from the Hamiltonian
which shows that q0 corresponds to the time t and p0 is a constant and corresponds to the negative energy of the system, so that H1 = H + p0 = 0 for a conservative force. Since the time is now a coordinate the development of the system has to be described with a different parameter. This development parameter is the fictitious time s that is connected to the time by (4.9). The relation (4.9) can be implemented if one chooses H2 = rH1. The Hamilton equations that describe then the development according to s are differential equations with respect to s:
Especially for the zero component one gets
which corresponds to (4.9). After having so far regularized the Hamiltonian one can then go over to KS-coordinates and obtains with (4.14)
Imposing now the constraint p4 = 0, which for
which describes a four-dimensional harmonic oscillator with fixed energy and frequency ω = (|E|/2m)1/2. The formalism of geometric algebra can also be applied to hamiltonian mechanics [14]. The 2d-dimensional phase space is then spanned by d basis elements {ηi} for the space coordinates and d basis elements {ρi} for the momentum coordinates so that a point in phase space is described by the vector
so that ηm · ηn = ρm · ρn = δmn and ηm · ρn = 0. The two d-dimensional subspaces are related by a bivector j, which is the generalization of the imaginary structure in two dimensions and is defined as:
This bivector plays the role of the symplectic form that relates the space and momentum part of the phase space according to
In phase space one has then two possibilities to assign a scalar to two phase space vectors a and b, apart from the scalar product a · b one can also form the expression
With the gradient operator
the Hamilton equation can for example be written as:
or explicitly:
With (4.25) one gets for the time derivation of a scalar phase space function f (x):
The Poisson bracket can be written in a compact way as: