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Loewner's equation

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 356.

We have seen that, on the lattice, the curves γ may be ‘grown' through a discrete exploration process. The Loewner process is the continuum version of this. Because of Property 3.2 it suffices to describe this in a standard domain , which is taken to be the upper half plane H, with the points r1 and r2 being the origin and infinity, respectively.

The first thing to notice is that, although on the honeycomb lattice the growing path does not intersect itself, in the continuum limit it might (although it still should not cross itself.) This means that there may be regions enclosed by the path which are not on the path but nevertheless are not reachable from infinity without crossing it. We call the union of the set of such points, together with the curve itself, up to time t, the hull Kt. (This is a slightly different usage of this term from that in the physics percolation literature.) It is the complement of the connected component of the half plane which includes ∞, itself denoted by H Kt. See Fig. 4.


Fig. 4. Schematic view of a trace and its hull.

Another property which often holds in the half-plane is that of reflection invariance: the distribution of lattice paths starting from the origin and ending at ∞ is invariant under x → −x. For the lattice paths in the O (n) model discussed in Section 2.2 this follows from the symmetry of the underlying weights, but for the boundaries of the FK clusters in the Potts model it is a consequence of duality. Not all simple curves in lattice models have this property. For example, if we consider the three-state Potts model in which the spins on the negative and positive real axes are fixed to different values, there is a simple lattice curve which forms the outer boundary of the spin cluster containing the positive real axis. This is not the same as the boundary of the spin cluster containing the negative real axis, and it is not in general symmetric under reflections.

Since H Kt is simply connected, by the Riemann mapping theorem it can be mapped into the standard domain H by an analytic function gt (z). Because this preserves the real axis outside Kt it is in fact real analytic. It is not unique, but can be made so by imposing the behaviour as z → ∞


gt(z) z+O(1/z). (15)

It can be shown that, as the path grows, the coefficient of 1/z is monotonic increasing (essentially it is the electric dipole moment of Kt and its mirror image in the real axis). Therefore, we may reparametrise time so that this coefficient is 2t. (The factor 2 is conventional.) Note that the length of the curve is not be a useful parametrisation in the continuum limit, since the curve is a fractal.

The function gt (z) maps the whole boundary of Kt onto part of the real axis. In particular, it maps the growing tip τt to a real point at. Any point on the real axis outside Kt remains on the real axis. As the path grows, the point at moves on the real axis. For the path to describe a curve, it must always grow only at its tip, and this means that the function at must be continuous, but not necessarily differentiable.

A simple but instructive example is when γ is a straight line growing vertically upwards from a fixed point a. In this case


gt(z)=a+((z-a)2+4t)1/2. (16)

This satisfies (15), and . More complicated deterministic examples can be found [18]. In particular, at t1/2 describes a straight line growing at a fixed angle to the real axis.

Loewner's idea [4] was to describe the path γ and the evolution of the tip τt in terms of the evolution of the conformal mapping gt (z). It turns out that the equation of motion for gt (z) is simple



This is Loewner's equation. The idea of the proof is straightforward. Imagine evolving the path for a time t, and then for a further short time δt. The image of Kt + δt under gt is a short vertical line above the point at on the real axis. Thus, we can write, using (16)


gt+δt(z)≈at+((gt(z)-at)2+4δt)1/2. (18)

Differentiating with respect to δt and then letting δt → 0, we obtain (17).

Note that, even if at is not differentiable (as is the case for SLE), (17) gives for each point z0 a solution gt (z0) which is differentiable with respect to t, up to the time when gt (z0) = at. This is the time when z0 is first included in Kt. However, it is sometimes (see Section 5) useful to normalise the Loewner mapping differently, defining t (z) = gt (z) − at, which always maps the growing tip τt to the origin. If at is not differentiable, neither is t, and the Loewner equation should be written in differential form as dt = (2dt/t) − dat.

Given a growing path, we can determine the hull Kt and hence, in principle, the function gt (z) and thereby at = gt (τt). Conversely, given at we can integrate (17) to find gt (z) and hence in determine the curve (although proving that this inverse problem gives a curve is not easy).

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