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Schramm–Loewner evolution
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 351.
In the case that we are interested in, γ is a random curve, so that at is a random continuous function. What is the measure on at? This is answered by the following remarkable result, due to Schramm [5]:
Theorem 3.1
If Properties 3.1–3.2 hold, together with reflection symmetry, then at is proportional to a standard Brownian motion.
That is
| (19)
| so that at = 0, (at1-at2)2 =κ|t1-t2|. The only undetermined parameter is κ, the diffusion constant. It will turn out that different values of κ correspond to different universality classes of critical behaviour.
The idea behind the proof is once again simple. As before, consider growing the curve for a time t1, giving γ1, and denote the remainder γ γ1 = γ2. Property 3.1 tells us that the conditional measure on γ2 given γ1 is the same as the measure on γ2 in the domain H Kt1, which, by Property 3.2, induces the same measure on gt1(γ2) in the domain H, shifted by at1. In terms of the function at this means that the probability law of at-at1, for t > t1, is the same as the law of at-t1. This implies that all the increments Δn ≡ a(n+1)δt − anδt are independent identically distributed random variables, for all δt > 0. The only process that satisfies this is Brownian motion with a possible drift term: . Reflection symmetry then implies that α = 0.