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National horse-sport games

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 431.

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To gather

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Ø Give antonyms of the following words:




To begin

To gather

To divide



The Kazakh people are fond of horses, treat them with special love and attention. That is why there are a lot of traditional events connected with horses. They are baiga, alaman-baiga, kokpar, kiz-kuu and others.

Baiga is one of the popular horse-sport games. Horses are prepared for this competition with special care. Such horses and their masters are in special honour. Baiga is held on a flat place in a village or at a town's racecourse. Only well prepared horses take part in baiga. The race distance is from 1,200 to 10,000 metres. Winners are given valuable presents.

Alaman-baiga is a variant of baiga, known from the past times. It is an obstacle-race.. The distance is 25-100 kilometres. A victory in such competition depends on the horse's and its rider's hardiness. Alaman-baiga is announced officially with solemnity.

Kokpar is a spectacular kind of national games. During this game a horseman tries to take away a sheep's carcass. In the past it was a wolf carcass, which was killed during the hunt. Kokpar teaches to be brave, resolute and enduring.

The rules of the game kyz-kuu (‘catch up the girl') are very simple: if a girl catches up a boy she will beat him with a lash and if a boy catches up a girl he will kiss her. Kyz-kuu is held during big holidays and only young girls and young men take part in this game.

All these games form a real man: brave, courageous and adroit.


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