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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 594.

(to pull the adversary from a horse in competition)

Audaryspak was also one of the most widespread traditions organized during feasts. It is one of the ways of checking strength and determination. Only strong zhigits usually take part in such competitions, and their horses need to be well chosen. Those who would take part in "Audaryspak" are divided into two groups. The object is to pull an opponent from a horse. Thus, it is very important that the horse and saddle objects are very strong. Sometimes the stronger competitor drags the adversary with his horse, leading to him being unseated.

As you have become aware, all physical training of the Kazakh people is connected with the living conditions and history. The Kazakhs had to defend their families and often fight on horseback. Remember that horses might be driven away from one clan by others, or that women might be stolen; so being able to pull an adversary from a horse might become more than a game. If somebody was trained well how to fight on a horse he wouldn't lose the fight. The Kazakhs in general are very peaceful people. They never like bloody scenes or killing. When they fight with cudgels, they try not to hurt an enemy's head badly, but want only to pull a foe from his horse, because without a horse the adversary couldn't fight. On the whole, Audaryspak is very useful in strengthening muscles and training zhigits for bravery. More than that it is one of the best means to learn self defense.



strength – ñèëà

determination – ðåøèìîñòü

saddle – ñåäëî

drag – òàùèòü

adversary – ïðîòèâíèê

foe – âðàã

a cudgel – äóáèíà


Ø Answer the questions:

1. Who can take part in Audaryspak?

2. What is very important in this game?

3. What are the main rules of Audaryspak?

4. How many groups can take part in it?

5. Why is it so important?

Ø Finish the sentences:

1. It was very important that the horse and the saddle …

2. All physical training of the Kazakh people is connected …

3. If somebody was trained well how to fight on a horse …

4. When they fight with cudgels, they try …

5. Audaryspak is very useful in …


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