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Formulate general rules concerning the realization of the categories mentioned below. Mind that corresponding oppositions should be supplied.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 586.

Speak on the way the following objective categories can be reflected in English (lexically, morphologically, syntactically): time, degree, modality, quantity.

Look up the word “category” in an English-English dictionary. State meanings it may have in linguistics. Collect examples to illustrate the applications of the term.

Comment on the terms.

Practice Assignments

Reference List

1. Blokh M.Y. A course in Theoretical English Grammar. M.:Vysshaya Shkola, 2000. pp. 4–48.

2. Áëîõ Ì.ß. Òåîðåòè÷åñêèå îñíîâû ãðàììàòèêè. Ì.: Âûñøàÿ øêîëà, 2000. ñòð. 4–49.

3. Ëèíãâèñòè÷åñêèé ýíöèêëîïåäè÷åñêèé ñëîâàðü. Ì.: Ñîâåòñêàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ, 1990.

category marker zero-marker marked member opposition mutation gradation inner inflection morph suppletivity analytical form auxiliaries gradual paradigm word-form diachrony syntagmatic eme-term

4. Compare English and Russian in respect to their treatment of sex differences. Comment on the relatedness of sex and gender (if any). Give English equivalents of the following pairs of words:

ëåò÷èê – ëåò÷èöà íàñòàâíèê – íàñòàâíèöà ìåäâåäü – ìåäâåäèöà ìîñêâè÷ – ìîñêâè÷êà ñòóäåíò – ñòóäåíòêà äðóã – ïîäðóãà ïåâåö – ïåâèöà ãóñü – ãóñûíÿ êîò – êîøêà áîã - áîãèíÿ



Example:The number category of English nouns is realized through the opposition of categorial number meanings: plural/non-plural (or singular). The plural opposite (member) is marked. It is marked synthetically by inflection or by mutation.

E.g.: book / books; man / men.

a. The case category in English nouns;

b. The tense category in English verbs;

c. The aspect category in English verbs;

d. The degree category in English adjectives

6. Define the following oppositions:

a. comment on the categorial nature of the opposition;

b. state opposites and the meanings they render;

c. ndicate markers of the marked members.


work   worked This is a tense opposition – past/non-past (present). The past tense is the marked member. It is marked by the “ed”- marker.


man's – men's go – went good – better take – took we – us table – tables show – will show children – children's had dictated – had been dictated will translate – will be translating policeman – policewoman write - am writing

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