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Ex. 3. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 407.


Ex. 2. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.


Present May, may not Future May; Shall/will (not) be allowed to Past Might, might not; Was/were (not) allowed
Permission/Asking for permission можно, можете
You may answer the questions later. (formal) May I come in? (polite) You may call me tomorrow. (formal) They will be allowed to go to the concert. He said that I might borrow his pen. He was allowed to enter the country.
Prohibitionнельзя (in formal speech and writing)
You may not talk during the test. (formal) You will not be allowed to take the exam. We were not allowed to tell her everything.
Doubt/Uncertaintyможет быть, возможно
The rain may (might) stop later in the day. He may come tomorrow.  
In the museum you may(can) see some interesting things.  

1. The students may not use the calculator at the exam. 2. Professor, may I take the exam next week? 3. Were students allowed to visit the laboratory? 4. The answer may give the key to the whole problem. 5. Will he be allowed to take part in the conference? 6. The teacher may ask you to stay after the lessons and copy the text. 7. You are not allowed to use the machine without permission. 8. You may do the rest of the work tomorrow. 9. May I smoke here? – No, you mustn't. 10. May I take this map? – No, you may not. 11. May he wait for us in the hall? – Yes, he may.


Present Must, must not (mustn't) Future Shall/will (not )have to Past Had to, did not have to; Did you have to…?
Necessity, duty, obligationдолжен, нужно, надо
You must obey these rules. I'm afraid I must go now. She will have to come later. We had to get more exercise last week.
Near certainty, logical assumptionвероятно, должно быть
She must be about twenty. BUT:Probably, he doesn't know English. BUT:The weather is likely to change. BUT:Evidently, she didn't know my address.
You mustn't walk on the grass.  
Order, strong advice
You must revise for your test.  

1. As a postgraduate student you must obtain some new scientific results. 2. Must we send them the results of our work immediately? – Yes, do please. 3. You must pay more attention to details. 4. The door to the laboratory must not be left open. 5. The meeting is at 10 o'clock sharp and you mustn't be late. 6. He must be at the library now. 7. You must let him know about it. 8. You must be tired after your hard work. 9. Must I type the document? – No, you needn't. 10. People must not cross the border without passports. 11. Everyone must go to school. 12. Must we measure the perimeter? – Yes, you must. 13. Must I really help him with the translation?


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