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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 376.

Ex. 4. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.


Present Have/has to, do/does not have to; Do you have to…? Future Shall/will (not) have to; Will you have to…? Past Had to, did not have to Did you have to…?
Necessity, duty, obligationäîëæåí, íóæíî, íàäî, ïðèõîäèòñÿ, âûíóæäåí
She has to find a new job. They've got to sell their car. I shall have to speak to them about this plan. He had to return home.
Absence of necessityíå íóæíî, íå íàäî
We don't have to attend classes on Sunday. Sam won't have to come back till April. She didn't have to take a taxi.


1. Do I have to present another schedule? 2. I had to explain the rule twice to make it perfectly clear. 3. They didn't have to change the date of the conference. 4. You‘ve got to study the relation between these two discoveries. 5. Does she have to wear glasses? – Yes, she does. 6. They will have to arrange everything for the meeting. 7. Did you have to walk all the distance to the station yesterday? 8. Do we have to define prime numbers? – No, you needn't. 9. Have I got to make another drawing? – Yes, you have.


Present Am/is/are (not) to do… Future Am/is/are (not) to do… Past Was/were (not) to do…
Necessity, an expected, planned action, a predestined event äîëæåí, ïðåäñòîèò, ñóæäåíî
What am I to do? The train is to come at 7. You were to stay here. He was never to see her again.
Order, formal instructionsíå äåëàé, íå ñìåé äåëàòü
You are not to say a word to anyone. No-one is to live the room.  

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Ex. 3. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian. | Ex. 6. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.
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