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Lecture 5. Syllabic and Accentual Structures of English Words.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 645.

Lecture 3. Methods of Phonological Analysis.

The Phoneme.

Lecture 2. The Functional Aspect of Speech Sounds.

Lecture 1. Introduction.



Phonetic structure of English is rather a vast area of study. The purpose of its reference guide is to describe the system of phonetic functional units and their use in the process of social communication.


Phonetics as a part of Linguistics. Phonetics and its branches.

Phonetics and a speech sound. Human speech and its stages.

Language and speech. The theoretical and practical aspects of



The notion of the phoneme. The phoneme and its main aspects.

Relationship between the phoneme and its allophones.

The main trends in phoneme theory.


The three parts of phonology as corresponding to the three levels

of linguistic analysis. The distributional method in phonology. The

semantic method in phonology. Notation. Phonetic transcription.



4. Lecture 4. The System of English Phonemes.

The English phonemic system. The consonant phonemes in the

English, Ukrainian and Russian languages. The vowel phonemes

in English, Ukrainian and Russian.


Syllable and its functions. Syllable formation and syllable division.

Accentual structure in English. Accentual tendencies in English.


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