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Phonetics as a part of Linguistics.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 522.

The theoretical and practical aspects of Phonetics.

Language and speech.

Phonetics and a speech sound. Human speech and its stages.

Phonetics and its branches.

Phonetics as a part of Linguistics.


Lecture 1.



References and Works Quoted from.

Appendix 4. Tapescripts.

Appendix 3. Glossary of Phonetic Terms.

Appendix 2. Plan of Phonostylistic Analysis.

Appendix 1. Plan of Phonetic Analysis of a Sentence.

Lecture 8. Classification of Phonetic Styles.

Lecture 7. Phonostylistics and its Problems.

Lecture 6. Suprasegmental Phonology.

Intonation and prosody. Structure and functions. The structural

elements of prosody. Intonation patterns. Fundamental intonation

patterns and their use.


Phonostylistics and its development. Extralinguistic situation and its

main constituents. The problem of classification of phonetic styles.


Conversational style. Academic style. Publicistic style. Declamatory

style. Informational style.






Linguisticsas a science of language consists of many disciplines, each of which takes as an object of its analysis only one particular aspect of language or one level of its structure.

The theoretical course of English usually consists of phonetics, lexicology, grammar and stylistics. All the branches of phonetics are closely connected with each other as well as with such branches of linguistics as lexicology, grammar and stylistics.

The connection of phonetics with grammar, lexicology and stylistics is exercised first of all via orthography,which in its turn is very closely connected with phonetics.

A theoretical course of phonetics is an integral part of the general course of the theory of language like theoretical courses of grammar, lexicology and stylistics, and it is indispensable for the description and comprehension of linguistic phenomena. The term ‘phonetics' is of Greek origin (‘phone' means “sound, voice tone').

Ancient objects, drawings, and written documents show that voice and speech always fascinated people. Written documents and evidences from ancient civilizations point to the awareness of speech, its origin and abnormalities a long time ago.

In India more than 2000 years ago there flourished a science of phonetics more advanced than any that has since been known until very recent times. The results, embodied in a series of Sanskrit texts, were first introduced to the West only some 80 years ago.

Phonetics as a science began to be seriously developed in the XX-th century. The factors that stimulated its development were as follows:

  1. a more thorough acquaintance with the functioning of the human speaking apparatus;
  2. investigation of the languages that had no alphabets;
  3. compiling alphabets for such languages;

Here are some data connected with the history of phonetics development:

1829 – laryngoscope was invented;

1852 – first observations of the vocal cords were made;

1877 – gramophone was invented;

1886 – International Phonetic Association (IPA) was founded.


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