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Consonant combinations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 532.

The -ed ending of verbs

After a voiceless consonant - [t] (Ïîñëå ãëóõîãî ñîãëàñíîãî çâóêà - [t])

After a voiced consonant or vowel - [d] (Ïîñëå çâîíêîãî ñîãëàñíîãî èëè ãëàñíîãî çâóêà - [d])

After the letters t, d - [id] (Ïîñëå áóêâ t, d - [id])


[t] [d] [id]
stopped [stopt], looked [lukt], hiked [haikt], puffed, laughed [laft], passed, released [ri`li:st], reached, hatched, flashed, washed [wosht] robbed [robd], lagged, saved [seivd], seized [si:zd], called [ko:ld], learned, boomed, occurred, bathed [beithd], judged, managed, played, studied, copied [`kopid], toed [toud] wanted [`wo:ntid], started [`sta:rtid], hated [`heitid], counted [`kauntid], quoted [`kwoutid], needed, added, folded, faded [`feidid], loaded [`loudid]



Combinations Sounds Examples
cc [ks] [k] accent, accept, access, eccentric, accident; accomodate, account, accuse, occur, acclaim
ch tch [ch] chain, check, chief, choose, church, teacher; kitchen, catch, watch
ch (Latin, Greek) ch (French) [k] [sh] character, chemical, Chris, archive, mechanic, technical; champagne, charlatan, chef, chic, cache, machine
ck [k] black, pick, pocket, cracker, rocket
dge [j] bridge, edge, judge, knowledge, budget, badger
gh [g] [f] [-] ghost, ghastly, Ghana, ghetto; cough, enough, rough, tough, laugh; though, through, weigh, neighbor, bought, daughter
gu [g] [gw] guard, guess, guest, guide, guitar, dialogue; language, linguistics, Guatemala, Nicaragua
ph [f] phone, photograph, phrase, phenomenon, biography
qu [kw] [k] quality, question, quite, quote, equal, require; unique, technique, antique, grotesque
sc [s] [sk] science, scissors, scene, scent, scythe; scan, scandal, scare, score, Scotch, scuba
sch [sk] [sh] school, scholar, scheme, schedule; schnauzer, schedule
sh [sh] share, she, shine, shoe, fish, cash, push, flourish
th [th] [th] thank, thick, think, thought, thunder, author, breath, bath; father, this, that, then, though, with, breathe
wh [w] [h] what, when, where, which, while, why, whale, wheel, white; who, whom, whose, whole
xh [ks] [gz] exhibition, exhumation, exhume, exhale; exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate, exhume, exhale
Combinations with silent letters Sounds Examples
bt, pt [t] doubt, debt, subtle; receipt, pterodactyl
kn, gn, pn [n] knee, knife, know; gnome, sign, foreign; pneumonia, pneumatic
mb, lm [m] lamb, climb, bomb, comb, tomb; calm, palm, salmon
ps [s] psalm, pseudonym, psychologist, psychiatrist
rh [r] rhapsody, rhetoric, rheumatism, rhythm, rhyme
wr [r] wrap, wreck, wrestle, wrinkle, wrist, write, wrong
Combinations in the suffix Sounds Examples
ti, ci, si, su [sh] nation, patient, special, politician, vicious, pension, mission, Asia, sensual, pressure
si, su [zh] vision, fusion, Asia, usual, measure, visual


Read more about consonant letters and sounds in the files Spelling Patterns for Consonants and Silent Letters in the section Writing.

Ïðî÷èòàéòå åùå î ñîãëàñíûõ áóêâàõ è çâóêàõ â ôàéëàõ Spelling Patterns for Consonants è Silent Letters â ðàçäåëå Writing.

Typical Spelling Patterns for Consonant Sounds Òèïè÷íûå âàðèàíòû íàïèñàíèÿ äëÿ ñîãëàñíûõ çâóêîâ
Consonants are easier than vowels in terms of spelling. In English words, a consonant sound is often represented by the same consonant letter in writing, for example: bed [bed], pin [pin], kind [kaind], take [teik], mark [ma:rk], last [last], false [fo:ls], skeleton, government, distribute, tremble, inventive, wonderful. Ñîãëàñíûå ëåã÷å, ÷åì ãëàñíûå, åñëè ãîâîðèòü î ïðàâîïèñàíèè.  àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâàõ ñîãëàñíûé çâóê ÷àñòî ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå òîé æå ñàìîé ñîãëàñíîé áóêâîé, íàïðèìåð: bed [bed], pin [pin], kind [kaind], take [teik], mark [ma:rk], last [last], false [fo:ls], skeleton, government, distribute, tremble, inventive, wonderful.
But there are several consonant sounds that are represented by different consonant letters or consonant combinations in writing, for example, the sounds [k], [s], [g], [j], [f], [sh]. There are also consonants and consonant combinations that have several variants of pronunciation, for example: c, ch, g, gh, x, xh. This often presents a difficulty for language learners. Spelling notes on difficult consonants and the sounds they represent are given below. Íî åñòü íåñêîëüêî ñîãëàñíûõ çâóêîâ, êîòîðûå ïðåäñòàâëåíû íà ïèñüìå ðàçíûìè ñîãëàñíûìè èëè ñî÷åòàíèÿìè ñîãëàñíûõ, íàïðèìåð, çâóêè [k], [s], [g], [j], [f], [sh]. Òàêæå åñòü ñîãëàñíûå è ñî÷åòàíèÿ ñîãëàñíûõ, êîòîðûå èìåþò íåñêîëüêî ðàçëè÷íûõ âàðèàíòîâ ïðîèçíîøåíèÿ, íàïðèìåð: c, ch, g, gh, x, xh. Ýòî ÷àñòî ïðåäñòàâëÿåò òðóäíîñòü äëÿ èçó÷àþùèõ ÿçûê. Çàìåòêè ïî ïðàâîïèñàíèþ òðóäíûõ ñîãëàñíûõ è çâóêîâ, êîòîðûå îíè ïðåäñòàâëÿþò, ïðèâåäåíû íèæå.
1. Sound [s]: letters s, ss, c, sc, ps. Sound [z]: letters s, z 1. Çâóê [s]: áóêâû s, ss, c, sc, ps. Çâóê [z]: áóêâû s, z
The letter “s” represents two common English sounds [s] and [z]. Áóêâà “s” ïåðåäàåò äâà ðàñïðîñòðàíåííûõ àíãëèéñêèõ çâóêà [s] è [z].
The letter “s”, when it is pronounced [s], can stand at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word before or after a vowel or a consonant, for example: same, seem, sit, sore, sky, slim, sneak, stray; sausage, master, absent, answer, listen; case, loose, sense, glimpse, serious, basis. Áóêâà “s”, êîãäà îíà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [s], ìîæåò ñòîÿòü â íà÷àëå ñëîâà, â ñåðåäèíå ñëîâà èëè â êîíöå ñëîâà ïåðåä èëè ïîñëå ãëàñíîé èëè ñîãëàñíîé áóêâû, íàïðèìåð: same, seem, sit, sore, sky, slim, sneak, stray; sausage, master, absent, answer, listen; case, loose, sense, glimpse, serious, basis.
Double “s” is also pronounced [s] and stands in the middle or at the end: lesson, pessimist, oppressive; class, cross, address, hopeless. Exceptions: dessert [di`zәrt], possess [pә`zes], scissors [`sizәrz]. Äâîéíàÿ “s” òîæå ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [s] è ñòîèò â ñåðåäèíå èëè â êîíöå ñëîâà: lesson, pessimist, oppressive; class, cross, address, hopeless. Èñêëþ÷åíèÿ: dessert [di`zәrt], possess [pә`zes], scissors [`sizәrz].
The letter “c” represents the sound [s] when it is before “e, i, y”: center, ceremony, circus, civil, cylinder, cyber. Students often have a problem choosing between “c” and “s” in this case, because “c” and “s” occur in the same positions before the vowels “e, i, y” and with the same pronunciation. Compare: cent - sent, cell - sell, sense - absence, assess - excess, cinema - sing, privacy - fantasy. Write such words in two columns for comparison, with pronunciation and meaning, and it will help you to memorize their spelling easier. Also, remember that many words of Latin origin with the letter “c” exist in Russian and have the Russian sound [ts] in them: center, circus, cycle. Áóêâà “c” ïåðåäàåò çâóê [s], êîãäà îíà ïåðåä “e, i, y”: center, ceremony, circus, civil, cylinder, cyber. Ñòóäåíòû ÷àñòî èñïûòûâàþò òðóäíîñòü â âûáîðå ìåæäó “c” è “s” â ýòîì ñëó÷àå, ò.ê. “c” è “s” âñòðå÷àþòñÿ â îäèíàêîâûõ ïîëîæåíèÿõ ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i, y” è ñ îäèíàêîâûì ïðîèçíîøåíèåì. Ñðàâíèòå: cent - sent, cell - sell, sense - absence, assess - excess, cinema - sing, privacy - fantasy. Íàïèøèòå òàêèå ñëîâà â äâå êîëîíêè äëÿ ñðàâíåíèÿ, ñ ïðîèçíîøåíèåì è çíà÷åíèåì, è ýòî ïîìîæåò âàì ëåã÷å çàïîìíèòü èõ íàïèñàíèå. Ïîìíèòå òàêæå, ÷òî ìíîãèå ñëîâà ëàòèíñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ ñ áóêâîé “c” ñóùåñòâóþò â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå, è â íèõ ðóññêèé çâóê [ö]: öåíòð, öèðê, öèêë.
The combination “sc” has the sound [s] before “e, i, y”: scent, science, fascinate, scythe. Ñî÷åòàíèå “sc” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [s] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i, y”: scent, science, fascinate, scythe.
In several words, the sound [s] is represented in writing by the combination “ps”, where “p” is a silent letter: psalm, pseudonym, psychology.  íåñêîëüêèõ ñëîâàõ çâóê [s] ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå áóêâîñî÷åòàíèåì “ps”, ãäå “p” íåìàÿ áóêâà: psalm, pseudonym, psychology.
The sound [z] is usually represented by the consonant “s”: rose, cause, always, his, wise, was, present, poison, reason, clumsy, organism, realism, advertise, advise, comprise, raise. But the letter “s” never has the sound [z] at the beginning of the word, so expect the letter “z” there: zone, zero, zip. (The consonant “z” is described at the end of this article.) Çâóê [z] îáû÷íî ïåðåäàåòñÿ ñîãëàñíîé áóêâîé “s”: rose, cause, wise, was, always, his, present, poison, reason, clumsy, organism, realism, advertise, advise, comprise, raise. Íî áóêâà “s” íèêîãäà íå äàåò çâóê [z] â íà÷àëå ñëîâà, ïîýòîìó îæèäàéòå, ÷òî òàì áóêâà “z”: zone, zero, zip. (Ñîãëàñíàÿ áóêâà “z” îïèñûâàåòñÿ â êîíöå ýòîé ñòàòüè.)
The ending -s/es of nouns and verbs has three different variants of pronunciation depending on the sound or letter after which it stands (the mute letter “e” at the end of the word is not taken into consideration in this rule): Îêîí÷àíèå -s/es ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ è ãëàãîëîâ èìååò òðè âàðèàíòà ïðîèçíîøåíèÿ â çàâèñèìîñòè îò çâóêà èëè áóêâû, ïîñëå êîòîðûõ îíî ñòîèò (íåìàÿ áóêâà “e” íà êîíöå ñëîâà íå ïðèíèìàåòñÿ âî âíèìàíèå â ýòîì ïðàâèëå):
[s] after a voiceless consonant - parks, takes, streets, writes, cuffs, cloths, jumps, laughs; [s] ïîñëå ãëóõîãî ñîãëàñíîãî çâóêà - parks, takes, streets, writes, cuffs, cloths, jumps, laughs;
[z] after a voiced consonant or a vowel - kids, rides, legs, girls, rooms, chairs, robs, leaves, learns, clothes, boys, cows, goes, ties, studies; [z] ïîñëå çâîíêîãî ñîãëàñíîãî èëè ãëàñíîãî çâóêà - kids, rides, legs, girls, rooms, chairs, robs, leaves, learns, clothes, boys, cows, goes, ties, studies;
[iz] after the letters s, z, x, ch, tch, ge, dge, sh - classes, roses, prizes, quizzes, matches, oranges, bridges, dishes, fixes. In this case in writing the ending -es is added if the word doesn't have the mute letter “e” at the end, and the ending -s is added if mute “e” is there. Compare: rise - rises; kiss - kisses; cage - cages; flash - flashes. [iz] ïîñëå áóêâ s, z, x, ch, tch, ge, dge, sh - classes, roses, prizes, quizzes, matches, oranges, bridges, dishes, fixes.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå íà ïèñüìå äîáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -es, åñëè â êîíöå ñëîâà íåò íåìîé áóêâû “e”, è ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -s, åñëè íåìàÿ “e” òàì åñòü. Ñðàâíèòå: rise - rises; kiss - kisses; cage - cages; flash - flashes.
2. Combination “th” 2. Ñî÷åòàíèå “th”
The combination “th” may sometimes present a problem because it represents the sounds [th] and [th], and there is no rule on where and which of the two sounds to pronounce. But if you just write the following words in two columns, look at them attentively and read them aloud several times, it will take care of the problem: Ñî÷åòàíèå ñîãëàñíûõ “th” ìîæåò èíîãäà ïðåäñòàâëÿòü ïðîáëåìó, ò.ê. îíî ïåðåäàåò çâóêè [th] è [th], è íåò ïðàâèëà î òîì, ãäå è êîòîðûé èç äâóõ çâóêîâ ïðîèçíåñòè. Íî åñëè âû ïðîñòî íàïèøåòå ñëåäóþùèå ñëîâà â äâå êîëîíêè, ïîñìîòðèòå íà íèõ âíèìàòåëüíî è ïðî÷òåòå èõ âñëóõ íåñêîëüêî ðàç, ïðîáëåìà áóäåò ðåøåíà:
The sound [th]: the, this, that, these, those, then, they, their, there, though, other, mother, father, brother, breathe, bathe, clothes. Çâóê [th]: the, this, that, these, those, then, they, their, there, though, other, mother, father, brother, breathe, bathe, clothes.
The sound [th]: thin, thick, thank, think, thought, through, theater, three, theory, therapy, thermometer, thorough, method, author, breath, bath, cloth. Çâóê [th]: thin, thick, thank, think, thought, through, theater, three, theory, therapy, thermometer, thorough, method, author, breath, bath, cloth.
3. Sound [k]: k, ck, c, ch, que 3. Çâóê [k]: k, ck, c, ch, que
The sound [k] is represented in writing by the letters and combinations k, ck, c, ch, que. Çâóê [k] ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå áóêâàìè è ñî÷åòàíèÿìè k, ck, c, ch, que.
There are not too many common English words that begin with “k”: keep, keen, kerchief, kernel, kick, kind, kid, kill, king, kiss, kit, kitchen. The majority of the words that begin with the letter “k” are of foreign origin: kangaroo, kinetic, kleptomania, kaleidoscope, kerosene, Kabul, karma, kilogram. Åñòü íå î÷åíü ìíîãî àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâ, êîòîðûå íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ áóêâû “k”: keep, keen, kerchief, kernel, kick, kind, kid, kill, king, kiss, kit, kitchen. Áîëüøèíñòâî ñëîâ, êîòîðûå íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ áóêâû “k” - èíîñòðàííîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: kangaroo, kinetic, kleptomania, kaleidoscope, kerosene, Kabul, karma, kilogram.
Note that many English names begin with “K”, for example: Kathleen, Karen, Kimberly, Keith, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kelvin. Some of the names beginning with “K” are variants of spelling with “C”: Catherine - Katherine, Caroline - Karoline, Chris - Kris, Carl - Karl. (See the file English Names and the other files about names in the section Vocabulary.) Îòìåòüòå, ÷òî ìíîãî àíãëèéñêèõ èìåí íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ áóêâû “K”, íàïðèìåð: Kathleen, Karen, Kimberly, Keith, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kelvin. Íåêîòîðûå èç èìåí, íà÷èíàþùèõñÿ ñ “K”, ÿâëÿþòñÿ âàðèàíòàìè íàïèñàíèÿ ñ áóêâîé “C”: Catherine - Katherine, Caroline - Karoline, Chris - Kris, Carl - Karl. (Ïîñìîòðèòå ôàéë English Names è äðóãèå ôàéëû îá èìåíàõ â ðàçäåëå Vocabulary.)
The letter “k” in English words is often found after another consonant: skate, skeleton, skill, sky, blanket, napkin, mask, park; or alone after a long vowel or a diphthong: seek, break, take, joke, look (two vowel letters in “look”). Áóêâà “k” â àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâàõ ÷àñòî âñòðå÷àåòñÿ ïîñëå äðóãîé ñîãëàñíîé: skate, skeleton, skill, sky, blanket, napkin, mask, park; èëè îäíà ïîñëå äîëãîé ãëàñíîé èëè äèôòîíãà: seek, break, take, joke, look (äâå ãëàñíûõ áóêâû â ñëîâå “look”).
The single letter “k” at the end of the word after a short vowel sound is rare in English (for example, sputnik, beatnik, Nikky). The letter combination “ck” is used instead of “k” in such cases: pack, sick, jacket, rocket, cracker. Îäèíî÷íàÿ “k” â êîíöå ñëîâà ïîñëå êðàòêîãî ãëàñíîãî çâóêà - ðåäêîñòü â àíãëèéñêîì (íàïðèìåð, sputnik, beatnik, Nikky). Ñî÷åòàíèå “ck” óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ âìåñòî “k” â òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ: pack, sick, jacket, rocket, cracker.
In several words, the final sound [k] is represented by “que” in writing: unique, technique, antique, physique, clique, grotesque. Note that the combination “qu” has the sound [kw] at the beginning and in the middle of many English words: queen, quarter, quite, quiet, question, squad, squirrel, require, inquire.  íåñêîëüêèõ ñëîâàõ êîíå÷íûé çâóê [k] ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå ñî÷åòàíèåì “que”: unique, technique, antique, physique, clique, grotesque. Çàìåòüòå, ÷òî ñî÷åòàíèå “qu” èìååò çâóê [kw] â íà÷àëå è â ñåðåäèíå ìíîãèõ àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâ: queen, quarter, quite, quiet, question, squad, squirrel, require, inquire.
4. Letter “c”: sounds [s], [k] 4. Áóêâà “c”: çâóêè [s], [k]
The letter “c” represents two sounds: [s] and [k], and there are strict rules on where and which sound is pronounced. Áóêâà “c” ïåðåäàåò äâà çâóêà: [s] è [k], è ñóùåñòâóþò ñòðîãèå ïðàâèëà, ãäå è êîòîðûé çâóê ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ.
Letter “c”: sound [s] Áóêâà “c”: çâóê [s]
The letter “c” has the sound [s] before the vowels “e, i, y”. Áóêâà “c” èìååò çâóê [s] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i, y”.
The sound [s]: celebrate, center, certainly, ceremony, cemetery, receive, race, price. Çâóê [s]: celebrate, center, certainly, ceremony, cemetery, receive, race, price.
The sound [s]: cider, cigarette, civil, circus. Çâóê [s]: cider, cigarette, civil, circus.
The sound [s]: cycle, cylinder, Cyprus. Çâóê [s]: cycle, cylinder, Cyprus.
Letter “c”: sound [k] Áóêâà “c”: çâóê [k]
The letter “c” has the sound [k] before the vowels “a, o, u” and before consonants. Áóêâà “c” èìååò çâóê [k] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “a, o, u” è ïåðåä ñîãëàñíûìè.
The sound [k]: cat, cabin, cake, call, care, carry, cancel, cast, delicate, intricate. Çâóê [k]: cat, cabin, cake, call, care, carry, cancel, cast, delicate, intricate.
The sound [k]: come, complete, cord, cost, country, acoustic, decorate. Çâóê [k]: come, complete, cord, cost, country, acoustic, decorate.
The sound [k]: cut, custom, cute, current, curious, cucumber, calculate. Çâóê [k]: cut, custom, cute, current, curious, cucumber, calculate.
The sound [k]: clean, clip, cloud, craft, credit, crown. Çâóê [k]: clean, clip, cloud, craft, credit, crown.
Combination “sc” Ñî÷åòàíèå “sc”
The combination “sc” follows the same rule: “sc” has the sound [s] before the vowels “e, i, y”, and the sound [sk] before the vowels “a, o, u” and before consonants. Ñî÷åòàíèå “sc” ñëåäóåò òîìó æå ïðàâèëó: “sc” èìååò çâóê [s] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i, y”, è çâóê [sk] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “a, o, u” è ïåðåä ñîãëàñíûìè.
The sound [s]: scent, science, fascist, scythe. Çâóê [s]: scent, science, fascist, scythe.
The sound [sk]: scan, escape, scorch, scuba, school. Çâóê [sk]: scan, escape, scorch, scuba, school.
Exception: sceptic [`skeptic] / skeptic. Èñêëþ÷åíèå: sceptic [`skeptic] / skeptic.
Combination “cc” Ñî÷åòàíèå “cc”
The combination “cc” follows the same rule: “cc” has the sound [ks] before the vowels “e, i, y”, and the sound [k] before the vowels “a, o, u” and before consonants. Ñî÷åòàíèå “cc” ñëåäóåò òîìó æå ïðàâèëó: “cc” èìååò çâóê [ks] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i, y”, è çâóê [k] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “a, o, u” è ïåðåä ñîãëàñíûìè.
The sound [ks]: accent, accept, eccentric, accident. Çâóê [ks]: accent, accept, eccentric, accident.
The sound [k]: accomodate, account, accuse, occur, acclaim. Çâóê [k]: accomodate, account, accuse, occur, acclaim.
The letter “c” is always pronounced [k] in the suffix “ic”: panic, traffic, economic, static, systematic, democratic. Áóêâà “c” âñåãäà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [k] â ñóôôèêñå “ic”: panic, traffic, economic, static, systematic, democratic.
The letter “c” is always pronounced [s] in the suffixes “ice, ence, ance, cy”: notice, practice, service; competence, audience, silence; resistance, reluctance, arrogance; agency, democracy, efficiency. Áóêâà “c” âñåãäà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [s] â ñóôôèêñàõ “ice, ence, ance, cy”: notice, practice, service; competence, audience, silence; resistance, reluctance, arrogance; agency, democracy, efficiency.
5. Combination “ch” 5. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ch”
The combination “ch” represents the sound [ch] in typically English words: chair, chess, child, chief, choke, achieve, reach, rich, which, church, such, bunch. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ch” ïåðåäàåò çâóê [ch] â òèïè÷íî àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâàõ: chair, chess, child, chief, choke, achieve, reach, rich, which, church, such, bunch.
The combination “ch” represents the sound [k] in the words of Greek or Latin origin: chemistry, chaos, charisma, chlorine, chorus, archaeology, archaic, archive, archipelago, architect, echo, mechanic, monarchy, anarchy, synchronize, psychologist, school, scholar. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ch” ïåðåäàåò çâóê [k] â ñëîâàõ ãðå÷åñêîãî èëè ëàòèíñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: chemistry, chaos, charisma, chlorine, chorus, archaeology, archaic, archive, archipelago, architect, echo, mechanic, monarchy, anarchy, synchronize, psychologist, school, scholar.
The combination “ch” represents the sound [sh] in the words of French origin: champagne, chandelier, charlatan, chef, chevron, chic, chiffon, cache, moustache, machine, parachute. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ch” ïåðåäàåò çâóê [sh] â ñëîâàõ ôðàíöóçñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: champagne, chandelier, charlatan, chef, chevron, chic, chiffon, cache, moustache, machine, parachute.
At the end of the word the sound [ch] is also represented by “tch” in writing: catch, match, watch, pitch, pitcher.  êîíöå ñëîâà çâóê [ch] òàêæå ïðåäñòàâëåí áóêâîñî÷åòàíèåì “tch” íà ïèñüìå: catch, match, watch, pitch, pitcher.
The sound [ch] is also represented by the combination “tu” in the suffix “ure”: departure, feature, furniture, literature, picture, lecture, adventure, adventurous, nature, torture, signature, gesture, sculpture, century. Çâóê [ch] òàêæå ïðåäñòàâëåí ñî÷åòàíèåì “tu” â ñóôôèêñå “ure”: departure, feature, furniture, literature, picture, lecture, adventure, adventurous, nature, torture, signature, gesture, sculpture, century.
6. Letter “g”: sounds [g], [j] 6. Áóêâà “g”: çâóêè [g], [j]
The letter “g” before vowels can represent the sound [g] as in “go” or [j] as in “just”. Áóêâà “g” ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè ìîæåò ïåðåäàâàòü çâóê [g] êàê â ñëîâå “go” èëè çâóê [j] êàê â ñëîâå “just”.
Letter “g”: sound [g] Áóêâà “g”: çâóê [g]
The letter “g” has the sound [g] before the vowels “a, o, u” and before consonants. Áóêâà “g” èìååò çâóê [g] ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “a, o, u” è ïåðåä ñîãëàñíûìè.
The sound [g]: gain, again, game, gate, gap, Gary, gas, gather, gaunt, gawk, gay. Çâóê [g]: gain, again, game, gate, gap, Gary, gas, gather, gaunt, gawk, gay.
The sound [g]: go, goal, gold, gone, good, goose, gourd, gourmet, govern. Çâóê [g]: go, goal, gold, gone, good, goose, gourd, gourmet, govern.
The sound [g]: gull, gust, gut, guy, argue, regular, singular, angular. Çâóê [g]: gull, gust, gut, guy, argue, regular, singular, angular.
The sound [g]: glare, glide, global, glow, grand, grim, grip, gross, pygmy, enigma, stagnant. Çâóê [g]: glare, glide, global, glow, grand, grim, grip, gross, pygmy, enigma, stagnant.
Letter “g” before “e, i” Áóêâà “g” ïåðåä “e, i”
The letter “g” before the vowels “e, i” can represent the sound [g] or [j]. There is no rule where and which of the two sounds to pronounce, you have to memorize such words. Áóêâà “g” ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè “e, i” ìîæåò ïåðåäàâàòü çâóê [g] èëè [j]. Íåò ïðàâèëà, ãäå è êîòîðûé èç ýòèõ äâóõ çâóêîâ ïðîèçíåñòè, íàäî çàïîìíèòü òàêèå ñëîâà.
The sound [g]: get, geyser, gear, geese, anger, finger, singer. Çâóê [g]: get, geyser, gear, geese, anger, finger, singer.
The sound [j]: gentle, gender, general, gelatin, genius, geology, gesture, German, legend, sergeant, vegetable, gorgeous, carriage, marriage, passage, language, voyage, college, change, manage, huge, urge, urgent, danger, stranger. Çâóê [j]: gentle, gender, general, gelatin, genius, geology, gesture, German, legend, sergeant, vegetable, gorgeous, carriage, marriage, passage, language, voyage, college, change, manage, huge, urge, urgent, danger, stranger.
The sound [g]: give, gimmick, girl, girdle, giggle, gilded, gigabyte, begin. Çâóê [g]: give, gimmick, girl, girdle, giggle, gilded, gigabyte, begin.
The sound [j]: giant, gin, gist, gigolo, giraffe, gigabyte, engine, imagine, region, religious. Çâóê [j]: giant, gin, gist, gigolo, giraffe, gigabyte, engine, imagine, region, religious.
The letter “g” before “y” has the sound [j]: gym, gypsy, gyro, Egypt, energy. Áóêâà “g” ïåðåä “y” èìååò çâóê [j]: gym, gypsy, Egypt, gyro, energy.
Single “g” at the end of the word is pronounced [g]: bag, rag, fig, log, Meg. Double “g” is usually pronounced [g]: egg, giggle, wriggle, toggle, struggle, aggressive, reggae. But “gg” is pronounced [j] in the words “exaggerate, suggest”. Îäèíî÷íàÿ “g” â êîíöå ñëîâà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [g], íàïðèìåð: bag, rag, fig, log, Meg. Äâîéíàÿ “g” òîæå îáû÷íî ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ çâóê [g], íàïðèìåð: egg, giggle, wriggle, toggle, struggle, aggressive, reggae. Íî “gg” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [j] â ñëîâàõ “exaggerate, suggest”.
Sound [j]: j, ge, dge Çâóê [j]: j, ge, dge
The sound [j] at the beginning and in the middle of the word is often represented by the letter “j”: jet, jumbo, just, Jane, John, jelly, jealous, jury, majority, pajamas. It is helpful to write two columns with the words in which the sound [j] is represented by the letters “g” and “j”: gin - jinx, gene - jeans, Gene - Jean, gym - Jim. Çâóê [j] â íà÷àëå èëè â ñåðåäèíå ñëîâà ÷àñòî ïåðåäàåòñÿ áóêâîé “j”, íàïðèìåð: jet, jumbo, just, Jane, John, jelly, jealous, jury, majority, pajamas. Ïîëåçíî íàïèñàòü äâå êîëîíêè ñî ñëîâàìè, â êîòîðûõ çâóê [j] ïðåäñòàâëåí áóêâàìè “g” and “j”: gin - jinx, gene - jeans, Gene - Jean, gym - Jim.
The sound [j] at the end of the word may be represented in writing by the combination “dge”: bridge, edge, hedge, judge, knowledge, cartridge, badger, budget, fidget. There are many words in which the sound [j] is represented by “ge” at the end of the word (see above: Letter “g” before “e, i”). It may help to know that “dge” is part of the root and occurs after a short vowel sound (e.g. hedge - huge), while “ge” occurs in various positions in the word and is also part of the noun-forming suffix “age” (marriage, postage), but the best way to memorize the words ending in “ge” and “dge” is to arrange them in two columns on one page for comparison. Çâóê [j] â êîíöå ñëîâà ìîæåò áûòü ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå ñî÷åòàíèåì “dge”: bridge, edge, hedge, judge, knowledge, cartridge, badger, budget, fidget. Åñòü ìíîãî ñëîâ, ãäå çâóê [j] ïðåäñòàâëåí ñî÷åòàíèåì “ge” â êîíöå ñëîâà (ñì. âûøå: Áóêâà “g” ïåðåä “e, i”). Âîçìîæíî, áóäåò ïîëåçíî çíàòü, ÷òî “dge” ÷àñòü êîðíÿ è âñòðå÷àåòñÿ ïîñëå êðàòêîé ãëàñíîé (íàïðèìåð, hedge - huge), â òî âðåìÿ êàê “ge” âñòðå÷àåòñÿ â ðàçëè÷íûõ ïîëîæåíèÿõ â ñëîâå, à òàêæå ÿâëÿåòñÿ ÷àñòüþ ñóôôèêñà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ “age” (marriage, postage). Íî ëó÷øèé ñïîñîá çàïîìíèòü ñëîâà, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà “ge” è “dge” - ðàñïîëîæèòü èõ â äâå êîëîíêè íà îäíîé ñòðàíèöå äëÿ ñðàâíåíèÿ.
Note: Sound [zh] Ïðèìå÷àíèå: Çâóê [zh]
The combination “ge” is pronounced [zh] at the end of some words of foreign origin: beige, garage, mirage, montage, prestige, rouge. The sound [zh] is also represented by the combinations “si” and “su” in the suffixes “ion” and “ure”: erosion, explosion, vision, leisure, pleasure, seizure, usually, visual. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ge” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [zh] íà êîíöå íåêîòîðûõ ñëîâ èíîñòðàííîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: beige, garage, mirage, montage, prestige, rouge. Çâóê [zh] òàêæå ïåðåäàåòñÿ áóêâîñî÷åòàíèÿìè “si” and “su” â ñóôôèêñàõ “ion” and “ure”: erosion, explosion, vision, leisure, pleasure, seizure, usually, visual.
7. Combination “gh” 7. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gh”
The combination “gh” at the beginning of the word is always pronounced [g]: ghost, ghastly, Ghana, ghetto, ghoul. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gh” â íà÷àëå ñëîâà âñåãäà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [g]: ghost, ghastly, Ghana, ghetto, ghoul.
The combination “gh” at the end of the word may be pronounced [f]: enough, rough, tough, laugh, cough. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gh” â êîíöå ñëîâà ìîæåò ïðîèçíîñèòüñÿ [f]: enough, rough, tough, laugh, cough.
The combination “gh” at the end of the word may be silent: though [thou], bough [bau], plough (BrE) / plow (AmE) [plau], through [thru:]. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gh” â êîíöå ñëîâà ìîæåò áûòü íåìûì: though [thou], bough [bau], plough (BrE) / plow (AmE) [plau], through [thru:].
The combination “gh” at the end of the word before “t” is usually silent: bought [bo:t], caught [ko:t], thought [tho:t], drought [draut], night [nait], height [hait], weight [weit], straight [streit]. But “gh” is pronounced [f] before “t” in the words “draught” [draft] and “laughter”. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gh” â êîíöå ñëîâà ïåðåä áóêâîé “t” îáû÷íî íåìîå: bought [bo:t], caught [ko:t], thought [tho:t], drought [draut], night [nait], height [hait], weight [weit], straight [streit]. Íî “gh” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [f] ïåðåä áóêâîé “t” â ñëîâàõ “draught” [draft] and “laughter”.
8. Combination “gu” 8. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gu”
The combination “gu” is pronounced [g] at the beginning and in the middle of the word: guard, guardian, guarantee, guess, guest, guide, guilt, guitar; argue, regulate, singular, disguise. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gu” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [g] â íà÷àëå è â ñåðåäèíå ñëîâà: guard, guardian, guarantee, guess, guest, guide, guilt, guitar; argue, regulate, singular, disguise.
The combination “gue” is pronounced [g] at the end of the word: catalogue, dialogue, tongue, fatigue, league, vague, rogue. In American English, some of these words may be spelled without “ue”: catalogue / catalog, dialogue / dialog, monologue / monolog, prologue / prolog. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gue” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [g] â êîíöå ñëîâà: catalogue, dialogue, tongue, fatigue, league, vague, rogue.  àìåðèêàíñêîì àíãëèéñêîì íåêîòîðûå èç ýòèõ ñëîâ ìîãóò ïèñàòüñÿ áåç “ue”: catalogue / catalog, dialogue / dialog, monologue / monolog, prologue / prolog.
The combination “gu” is pronounced [gw] in some words of Latin and Spanish origin: language, lingua, linguistics, guava, Guatemala, Nicaragua, distinguish. Ñî÷åòàíèå “gu” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [gw] â íåêîòîðûõ ñëîâàõ ëàòèíñêîãî è èñïàíñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: language, lingua, linguistics, guava, Guatemala, Nicaragua, distinguish.
9. Sound [f]: f, ff, ph, gh 9. Çâóê [f]: f, ff, ph, gh
The sound [f] is usually represented by the consonant “f”, for example: file, full, faint, flame, flick, flight, fly, free, fry, prefer, defend, after, safe, scarf, half, beef, roof. Çâóê [f] îáû÷íî ïåðåäàåòñÿ ñîãëàñíîé áóêâîé “f”, íàïðèìåð: file, full, faint, flame, flick, flight, fly, free, fry, prefer, defend, after, safe, scarf, half, beef, roof.
Double “f” is usually found in the syllable with a short vowel sound: puff, cuff, cliff, riff, traffic. Double “f” is also found in the cases where the prefix ends in “f” and the root starts with “f”: affirm, afford, differ, effect, offend, offer, suffer, suffix. Äâîéíàÿ “f” îáû÷íî âñòðå÷àåòñÿ â ñëîãå ñ êðàòêèì ãëàñíûì çâóêîì: puff, cuff, cliff, riff, traffic. Äâîéíàÿ “f” òàêæå âñòðå÷àåòñÿ â ñëó÷àÿõ, ãäå ïðèñòàâêà îêàí÷èâàåòñÿ íà “f”, à êîðåíü íà÷èíàåòñÿ ñ “f”: affirm, afford, differ, effect, offend, offer, suffer, suffix.
The combination “ph” also has the sound [f]: photograph, physics, phonetics, philosophy, alphabet, symphony, apostrophe. Áóêâîñî÷åòàíèå “ph” òîæå èìååò çâóê [f]: photograph, physics, phonetics, philosophy, alphabet, symphony, apostrophe.
The combination “gh” can represent the sound [f] at the end of the word: enough, rough, tough, laugh, cough. Áóêâîñî÷åòàíèå “gh” ìîæåò ïåðåäàâàòü çâóê [f] â êîíöå ñëîâà: enough, rough, tough, laugh, cough.
10. Sound [sh] 10. Çâóê [sh]
In English words the sound [sh] is usually represented by the combination “sh”: she, shine, shark, shoe, rush, fish.  àíãëèéñêèõ ñëîâàõ çâóê [sh] îáû÷íî ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå áóêâîñî÷åòàíèåì “sh”: she, shine, shark, shoe, rush, fish.
The combination “ch” is pronounced [sh] in the words of French origin: champagne, chandelier, charlatan, chef, chevron, chic, chiffon, cache, machine. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ch” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [sh] â ñëîâàõ ôðàíöóçñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: champagne, chandelier, charlatan, chef, chevron, chic, chiffon, cache, machine.
There are also several consonant + vowel combinations that are pronounced as [sh], namely, “ti, ci, si, su” and they are usually in the suffix or right before it. Åñòü íåñêîëüêî ñî÷åòàíèé ñîãëàñíàÿ + ãëàñíàÿ, êîòîðûå ïðîèçíîñÿòñÿ êàê [sh], à èìåííî, “ti, ci, si, su” è îíè îáû÷íî íàõîäÿòñÿ â ñóôôèêñå èëè ïðÿìî ïåðåä íèì.
The combination “ci”: appreciate, associate; social, official, special, financial; musician, politician, magician; ancient, efficient; delicious, suspicious, precious, vicious. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ci”: appreciate, associate; social, official, special, financial; musician, politician, magician; ancient, efficient; delicious, suspicious, precious, vicious.
The combination “si”: extension, expansion, comprehension; discussion, expression, fission, mission. Ñî÷åòàíèå “si”: extension, expansion, comprehension; discussion, expression, fission, mission.
The combination “ti”: negotiate, initiate, substantiate; essential, confidential, initial, martial; patient, ambitious, cautious; condition, section, organization. Ñî÷åòàíèå “ti”: negotiate, initiate, substantiate; essential, confidential, initial, martial; patient, ambitious, cautious; condition, section, organization.
The combination “su”: sugar, sure, sensual, assure, censure, fissure, pressure, issue, tissue. Ñî÷åòàíèå “su”: sugar, sure, sensual, assure, censure, fissure, pressure, issue, tissue.
11. Letter “x” and combination “xh” 11. Áóêâà “x” è ñî÷åòàíèå “xh”
The letter “x” and the combination “xh” represent the sounds [ks]: exercise, expect, experiment, explain, extreme, exhibition. Áóêâà “x” è áóêâîñî÷åòàíèå “xh” ïåðåäàþò çâóêè [ks]: exercise, expect , experiment, explain, extreme, exhibition.
The letter “x” and the combination “xh” also represent the sounds [gz]: example, execute, exempt, exert, exist, exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate. Áóêâà “x” è ñî÷åòàíèå “xh” òàêæå ïåðåäàþò çâóêè [gz]: example, execute, exempt, exert, exist, exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate.
Some of the words with “x” or “xh” have two variants of pronunciation: exile [`egzail] / [`eksail], exhale [eks`heil] / [ig`zeil], exhume [ig`zu:m] / [eks`hyu:m]. Íåêîòîðûå ñëîâà ñ áóêâàìè “x” or “xh” èìåþò äâà âàðèàíòà ïðîèçíîøåíèÿ: exile [`egzail] / [`eksail], exhale [eks`heil] / [ig`zeil], exhume [ig`zu:m] / [eks`hyu:m].
Note that in some words there is “c” after “ex”: exceed, excellent, except, excite, excuse, Excalibur, excavate. In such cases, the pronunciation follows the rules of “c” before vowels: [ks]: exceed, excellent, except, excite; [ks+k]: excavate, Excalibur, excuse. Îáðàòèòå âíèìàíèå, ÷òî â íåêîòîðûõ ñëîâàõ ïîñëå “ex” åñòü áóêâà “c”: exceed, excellent, except, excite, excuse, Excalibur, excavate.  òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ ïðîèçíîøåíèå ïîä÷èíÿåòñÿ ïðàâèëàì áóêâû “c” ïåðåä ãëàñíûìè: [ks]: exceed, excellent, except, excite; [ks+k]: excavate, Excalibur, excuse.
Also, in some words of Greek origin, the letter “x” is pronouned as [z]: xenon [`zenon] / [`zi:non], xenophobia, Xerox [`zi:roks], xylophone. Òàêæå, â íåêîòîðûõ ñëîâàõ ãðå÷åñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ áóêâà “x” ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ êàê [z]: xenon [`zenon] / [`zi:non], xenophobia, Xerox [`zi:roks], xylophone.
12. Letter “z” 12. Áóêâà “z”
The sound [z] is often represented by the consonant “s” in writing: rose [rouz], wise, was, always, his, present, resist, music, poison, reason, busy, clumsy, organism, realism, advertise, advise, comprise, raise, surprise. Çâóê [z] ÷àñòî ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå ñîãëàñíîé áóêâîé “s”: rose [rouz], wise, was, always, his, present, resist, music, poison, reason, busy, clumsy, organism, realism, advertise, advise, comprise, raise, surprise.
But the letter “s” is never pronounced [z] at the beginning of the word, so when you hear [z] as the first sound of the word, you can be practically sure that this word is spelled with initial “z”. Íî áóêâà “s” íèêîãäà íå ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [z] â ñàìîì íà÷àëå ñëîâà, ïîýòîìó åñëè âû ñëûøèòå çâóê [z] êàê ïåðâûé çâóê ñëîâà, âû ìîæåòå áûòü ïðàêòè÷åñêè óâåðåíû, ÷òî ýòî ñëîâî ïèøåòñÿ ñ íà÷àëüíîé áóêâîé “z”.
Examples where “z” has the sound [z]: zebra, zeal, zenith, zero, Zeus, zinc, zip, zipper, zombie, zone, zoo; dozen, citizen, horizon, razor, enzyme, ozone, plaza, lazy, crazy, quiz; seize, organize, realize, apologize, modernize. Ïðèìåðû ñëîâ, ãäå áóêâà “z” èìååò çâóê [z]: zebra, zeal, zenith, zero, Zeus, zinc, zip, zipper, zombie, zone, zoo; dozen, citizen, horizon, razor, enzyme, ozone, plaza, lazy, crazy, quiz; seize, organize, realize, apologize, modernize.
Double “z” is also pronounced [z]: drizzle, sizzle, puzzle, mezzanine; buzz, jazz, fuzzy. Äâîéíàÿ áóêâà “z” òîæå ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [z]: drizzle, sizzle, puzzle, mezzanine; buzz, jazz, fuzzy.
The letters “z” and “zz” are pronouned [ts] in some words of foreign origin: pizza, mezzo [`metsou] / [`mezou], Mozart [`moutsa:rt], mozzarella, Nazi [`na:tsi:]. Áóêâû “z” è “zz” ïðîèçíîñÿòñÿ [ts] â ñëîâàõ èíîñòðàííîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ: pizza, mezzo [`metsou] / [`mezou], Mozart [`moutsa:rt], mozzarella, Nazi [`na:tsi:].
In several foreign borrowings the sound [ts] is represented by “tz”: waltz, chintz, blitz, blitzkrieg, Fitzgerald. Â íåñêîëüêèõ èíîñòðàííûõ çàèìñòâîâàíèÿõ çâóê [ts] ïðåäñòàâëåí áóêâàìè “tz”: waltz, chintz, blitz, blitzkrieg, Fitzgerald.
13. Sound [y] as in “yes” 13. Çâóê [y] êàê â “yes”
The consonant sound [y] (a semivowel) is represented by the letter “y” before a vowel, mostly at the beginning of the word: yacht, Yale, Yankee, yarn, yard, yawn, year, yearn, yeast, yell, yellow, yelp, Yemen, yen, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, yoga, yogurt, yoke, yolk, New York, you, young, Yukon, yule; beyond, canyon, Tanya, Tonya. Ñîãëàñíûé çâóê [y] (ïîëóãëàñíûé çâóê) ïðåäñòàâëåí íà ïèñüìå áóêâîé “y” ïåðåä ãëàñíîé, â îñíîâíîì â íà÷àëå ñëîâà: yacht, Yale, Yankee, yarn, yard, yawn, year, yearn, yeast, yell, yellow, yelp, Yemen, yen, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, yoga, yogurt, yoke, yolk, New York, you, young, Yukon, yule; beyond, canyon, Tanya, Tonya.
The sound [y] is also represented by the vowel “i” in certain positions in the word after a consonant before another vowel: billiards, billion, familiar, milliard, million, onion, junior, senior, union. Çâóê [y] òàêæå ïåðåäàåòñÿ ãëàñíîé “i” â îïðåäåëåííûõ ïîëîæåíèÿõ â ñëîâå ïîñëå ñîãëàñíîé ïåðåä äðóãîé ãëàñíîé: billiards, billion, familiar, milliard, million, onion, junior, senior, union.
In a number of cases, the sound [y] is not represented by any letter in writing, for example, in the case of the vowel “u” when it is pronounced [yu:]: use [yu:z], unit [`yu:nit], cube [kyu:b], music, human, few, fuel, feudal, view.  ðÿäå ñëó÷àåâ, çâóê [y] íå îáîçíà÷åí íèêàêîé áóêâîé íà ïèñüìå, íàïðèìåð, â ñëó÷àå ãëàñíîé “u”, êîãäà îíà ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [yu:]: use [yu:z], unit [`yu:nit], cube [kyu:b], music, human, few, fuel, feudal, view.

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