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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 610.


Reduced Forms



One-Syllable Words


One-Syllable Words


Vowel Sounds

  1 written vowel 1 written vowel + r = /ər/ 2 written vowelsThe first vowel is pronounced like the letter of the alphabet
a cap = /æ/ car >> war >> cape = /ey/
e set = /ɛ/ her clerk berth verb see = /iy/
i big = /ɪ/ fir sir birth myrrh dine = /ay/
o cop = /ɑ/ born >> wo = word world road rode = /ow/
u cup = /ʌ/ burn fur nurse urn blue = /uw/


Consonant Sound
Voiced r = /ər/

  1 written vowel + r = = /ər/
a car >> war >>
e her clerk berth verb
i fir sir stir bird birth myrrh
o born >> wo = word work world
u burn burst fur hurt nurse urn

The vowel in an unstressed syllable becomes
schwa /ə/, /I/, or disappears completely.

+ to
+ of
+ have
+ me
+ you
Unstressed Vowel + R
Contractions Pronoun + Verb I ... you he ... she ... it we ...you ... they

+ 'to'

Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

reduced formreflects natural spoken language standard written form
gotta hafta hasta wanna gonna oughta got to have to has to want to going to ought to

+ 'of'

Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

reduced form standard written form
kinda kindsa lotta lotsa kind of kinds of lot of lots of

+ 'have'

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