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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 515.







Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

reduced form standard written form
coulda shoulda woulda mighta musta could have should have would have might have must have

+ 'me'

Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

written form standard written form
gimme give me
lemme let me

+ 'you'

Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

reduced form standard written form
getcha gotcha betcha doncha waddaya waddaya get you got you bet you don't you What are you...? What do you...?

Vowel Sound

can can't
Can I hélp you? Can is unstressed because the important information is in the verb help. Cán't I help you? Can't is stressed because it's the important information.
Can I? Can't I?
Yes, you can. No, you can't.

don't know

Reductions are common in natural speech.
Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language.
They are not standard written English.

reduced form standard written form
I dunno I don't know

Consonant Sound
Voiced r = /ər/


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