rus | ua | other
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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 515.
Reductions are common in natural speech. Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language. They are not standard written English.
reduced form
| standard written form
| coulda shoulda woulda mighta musta
| could have should have would have might have must have
| Reduction + 'me' Reductions are common in natural speech. Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language. They are not standard written English.
written form
| standard written form
| gimme
| give me
| lemme
| let me
| Reduction + 'you' Reductions are common in natural speech. Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language. They are not standard written English.
reduced form
| standard written form
| getcha gotcha betcha doncha waddaya waddaya
| get you got you bet you don't you What are you...? What do you...?
| Vowel Sound /æ/ can
| can't
| Can I hélp you?
Can is unstressed because the important information is in the verb help.
| Cán't I help you?
Can't is stressed because it's the important information.
| Can I?
| Can't I?
| Yes, you can.
| No, you can't.
| Reduction don't know Reductions are common in natural speech. Written reduced forms in advertisements, songs, personal writing, reflect natural spoken language. They are not standard written English.
reduced form
| standard written form
| I dunno
| I don't know
| Consonant Sound Voiced r = /ər/