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Stress Patterns

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 442.


Stress Patterns


Stress Patterns


Stress Patterns

Stress Patterns

Compound Nouns
Phrasal Verbs
2-Syllable Words Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Homographs
3-Syllable Words 3-Syllable Words
Unstressed Suffixes ch ... dzh sh ... zh can ... can't
Sentence Stress Verbs


Stess is on the last letter.



Two-Part Words

2-PART NOUNS compound nouns stress the first part 2-PART VERBS phrasal verbs stress the preposition
a tákeover a gétup alétdown a líftoff a príntout máilman greénhouse fíreman the Whíte House hót dog pópcorn roómmate schoól bus to take óver to get úp to let down to lift óff to print óut

Two-Part Words

2-PART NOUNS compound nouns stress the first part 2-PART VERBS phrasal verbs stress the preposition
a tákeover a gétup alétdown a líftoff a príntout máilman greénhouse fíreman the Whíte House hót dog pópcorn roómmate schoól bus to take óver to get úp to let down to lift óff to print óut

2-Syllable Nouns

NOUNS 90% stressed on the first syllable. NOUNS foreign borrowings most stressed on the last syllable. COMPOUND NOUNS Stressed on the first syllable.
ánswer ásthma cástle cháos sálmon écho néighbor chícken Chrístmas kítchen clímate ísland chórus chóir doughnut hónor knówledge móther stómach stúdent Compare -ain nouns & verbs. verb to compláin to entertáin to expláin to maintáin to remáin nouns móuntain fóuntain Words of French Origin Silent -et ballét buffét chalét fillét gourmét valét ch = /ʃ/ champágne crochét chalét chagrín chatéau chiffón machíne brochúre ge = /ʒ/ barráge corságe garáge masságe miráge que antíque techníque uníque a tákeover a gétup alétdown a líftoff a príntout máilman greénhouse fíreman the Whíte House hót dog pópcorn roómmate schoól bus

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