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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 470.
Stress Patterns
Stress Patterns
Stress Patterns
2-Syllable Verbs
VERBS Stress the root.
| 2-WORD VERBS Phrasal verbs stress the preposition.
| root = first syllable to fásten to trável to hárden to stráighten to óffer to stúdy
| to take óver to get úp to let down to lift óff to print óut
| root = 2nd syllable to atténd to colléct to eléct to prevént to begín to survíve
| verbs to compláin to entertáin to expláin to maintáin to remáin
Compare with -ain nouns mountain fountain
| 2-Syllable Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions
ADJECTIVES Stress the root
| ADVERBS & PREPOSITIONS Stress the root.
| root = first syllable cáutious háppy pléasant sólid próper súnny húngry úseful
| root = first syllable álways láter óften óver shórtly slówly sóoner únder
| root = second syllable compléte extreme alíve distínct precíse compléte inténse enóugh
| root = second syllableperháps indéed unléss besídes untíl abóve belów befóre
| Homographs
There is a small group of 2-syllable nouns & verbs which are spelled the same. The difference is the stress. Practice
NOUNS 90% are stressed on the first syllable.
| VERBS prefix + root stress on the root
| the áddict the cónduct the cónflict the cóntract the cónvert the cónvict the défect the désert the ínsert the ínsult the óbject the pérmit the présent the próduce the prógress the próject the rébel the récord the súbject the súspect
| to addíct to condúct to conflíct to contráct to convért to convíct to deféct to desért to insért to insúlt to objéct to permít to presént to prodúce to progréss to projéct to rebél to recórd to subjéct to suspéct