Date: 2015-10-07; view: 478.
Syllable Words
Stress Patterns
In words of 3 or more syllables, stress usually falls on the syllable immediately before the suffix. The chart below shows exceptions to this pattern.
Stress falls on the suffix.
| Stress falls 2 syllables before the suffix.
| -ee
| -ate
| employée referée refugée
| verbs to appréciate to inítiate to óperate nouns, adjectives certíficate délicate
| -eer
| -ize
| auctionéer enginéer voluntéer
| verbs to apólogize to áuthorize to récognize
| exceptions -ee
| | commíttee
| | Consonant Sound Pair /ʧ/-/ʤh/
Unstressed t, d + i, u
| /ʧ/
| | /ʤh/
| -(s)tion
| Christian question suggestion
| -du
| education graduation
| -ntial
| essential residential
| -di-
| soldier
| -tu
| adventure furniture future lecture nature picture situation congratulate
| |
| -te-
| amateur
| | | Consonant Sound Pair Voiceless /ʃ/ & Voiced /ʒ/
Unstressed Endings nouns/adjectives
Stress falls on the syllable immediately preceding the suffix.
| /ʃ/
| | /ʒ/
| -c- -cial -cian -ciate -cious
| social special physician appreciate delicious
| unstressed -su-
| leisure measure pleasure treasure
| -ss- -ssian -ssion -ssu- -ssure
| Russian profession tissue pressure
| sia(n) sion
| Asia Indonesia television supervision
| -t- -tia -tion -tious
| initial negotiate education graduation situation cautious
| |