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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 629.

Stress Patterns



Stress Patterns

A word is stressed when it's the important piece of information.

can unstressed can stressed can't stressed
Can I help you with that? I can help you with that. Can I? Yes, Ican. Can't I help you? Can't I? No, I can't. I can't help you.
Can she dothat for me? She can do that for me. Can you? Yes, you can. Can't you help me with that? Can't you? No, you can't help me with that. No, you can't.
Can he come before 5:00? He can come before 5:00. Can he? Yes, he can. Can't he come before 5:00? Can't he? No, he can't. He can't come before 5:00.
Can we count on you? We can count on you. Can we? Yes, we can. Can't we count on you? Can't we? No, we can't. We can't count on you.
Can they take find it? They can take find it. Can they? Yes, they can. Can't they find it? Can't they? No, they can't. They can'tfind it.


Positive Stress on the main verb Negative Stress normally on the main verb Negative Stress for a strong negative, stress the auxiliary verb
I like it. I want it. I know her. She has one. He bought it. He had it. She made it. I don't like it. I don't want it. I don't know her. She doesn't have it. They didn't buy one. He didn't have it. She didn't make it. I don't like it. I don't want it. I don't know her. She doesn't have it. They didn't buy one. He didn't have it. She didn't make it.




is the summary of rules of articulation in English.


1. The tongue is tense.

2. The lips are tense, mostly neutral (flat articulation) or spread (with the lower teeth revealed).

3. The voiceless plosive consonants /p, t, k/ are pronounced with aspiration: take /teık/.

4. All consonants are hard except for /ʃ/ and /ʒ/. Palatalization is a mistake.

5. 12 forelingual consonants have apical articulation (are pronounced with the help of the tip of the tongue): /t, d, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ, n, l, Ø, ð/, while in Ukrainian corresponding consonants are pronounced with the blade of the tongue.

6. Word-final voiced consonants are never devocalized, but they are weak: bag /g/, sad /d/. Word-final voiceless consonants are strong: ningt /naıt/, tape /teıp/.

7. The sonorants /m, n, l/ are tenser and longer than in Ukrainian. They are syllabic (form a syllable) after a stressed syllable and a consonant: table /teıbl/ - 2 syl., prison /prızn/ - 2 syl.



PHONETICS is a branch of Linguistics, which studies speech sounds (their articulation, acoustic qualities and semantics) and intonation:


PHONEME is the smallest linguistic unit, which can differentiate the meaning and the grammar forms of words. There are 44 phonemes in English: 20 vowels and 24 consonants.


bed /bed/ – noun; a piece of furniture for sleeping in.

bad /bæd/ – adjective; not good.


ALLOPHONE is a material representation of the phoneme in speech. The number of allophones in a language is limitless:


/p/ – plosive;

accept – /p/ - plosionless allophone of the plosive /p/


PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION is a sort of alphabet, in which each phoneme has its own symbol.


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