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Article 9. Religious Organisations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 614.

Chapter 2. Religious Organisations in the Republic of Belarus

Article 8. Relations Between the school and Religious Organisations

The state system of education in the Republic of Belarus is of secular nature and not aimed at the formation of particular attitude to the religion. The access to various kinds and levels of education shall be provided for the citizens regardless their attitude to the religion.

The religious organisations having statutes (regulations) registered in the established order are entitled to create groups and Sunday schools for the religious education of children and adults as well as carry out teaching in other forms using the premises belonging or given to them for the above purpose.

Religious organisations in the Republic of Belarus include religious communities, cloisters, religious fraternities, missionary societies (missions), ecclesiastical educational institutions as well as religious associations with their boards and centres.

Religious organisations in the Republic of Belarus shall be formed and carry out their activities in accordance with their statutes (regulations) and have a status of a legal entity.

Only the citizens of the Republic of Belarus may head the religious organisations.


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Article 7. Relationship of Religious Organisations and State | Article I 1. Religious Associations, Boards and Centres
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