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Article I 1. Religious Associations, Boards and Centres

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 673.

Article 10. Religious Communities

Religious communities shall be formed by the citizens for the purposes of joint confession of the faith and satisfying other religious demands and carry out their activities voluntarily in conformity with their statutes (regulations).


The religious associations, their boards and centres shall carry out their activities on the basis of their statutes (regulations), so far as they do not contradict the legislation in force.

The religious organisations in the Republic of Belarus having guiding centres abroad may be guided by their statutes (regulations) in their activities unless the legislation of the Republic of Belarus is infringed in this case.

The relations between the state and foreign religious centres including those associated with the invitation of foreign priests to the Republic for satisfying the religious demands of the believers as well as between the state and religious boards, centres and associations within the Republic not regulated by the Law shall be regulated by the state authorities ensuring the observance of the legislation on the freedom of confessions and religious organisations in the order established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The religious associations, their boards and centres as well as the foreign priests invited by them to the Republic for satisfying the ecclesiastical demands of the believers shall observe the legislation on the legal status of foreign citizens in force in the Republic of Belarus.


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Article 9. Religious Organisations | Article 14. Statutes of Religious Organisations
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