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Article 14. Statutes of Religious OrganisationsDate: 2015-10-07; view: 579. Article 13. Ecclesiastical Educational Institutions Article 12. Cloisters, Fraternities and Missions In accordance with their registered statutes (regulations), the religious boards and centres are entitled to found cloisters, religious fraternities and missionary organisations (missions) which shall carry out their activities on the basis of their statutes (regulations) registered in the order established by the Law.
In accordance with their registered statutes (regulations), the religious boards and centres are entitled to create ecclesiastical educational institutions for training priests and specialists required for the religious organisations. The ecclesiastical educational institutions shall carry out their activities in the basis of their statutes (regulations) registered in the order established by the Law. The citizens studying at higher and secondary ecclesiastical educational institutions shall exercise the rights and privileges established for students of state educational institutions.
Statutes (regulations) of religious organisations shall be registered in the order established by the present Law according to the civil legislation determining their legal capacity. These statutes shall contain the information of the kind, location and area of activities of the religious organisations, of their confession belonging, place in the organisational structure of the religious association, of their property status, of the rights of foundation of enterprises and mass media, foundation of other religious organisations, creation of educational institutions and other competencies, procedure of settlement of proprietary and other matters in case of termination of their activities, as well as other regulations concerning the peculiarities of the activities of these organisations. The statutes (regulations) or other documents regulating the dogmatic side of activities and solving internal problems of the religious organisations shall not be registered in the state authorities. The state shall note and respect the internal regulations of the religious organisations if these regulations are presented to the respective state authorities and do not contradict to the legislation in force.