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Article 29. State Bodies Assuring the Observance of the Legislation on the Freedom of Religion and Religious Organisations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 548.

Chapter 6. Ensuring the Observance of the Legislation on the Freedom Religion and Religious Organisations



The State Body of the Republic of Belarus for the affairs of religion shall be formed by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. It shall consider and solve the questions arisen in the sphere of relations between the state and religious organisations.

Acting in this capacity it shall:

- establish contacts and coordinating communications with analogous institutions in other states;

- create the databank concerning religious organisations in the Republic and observance of the legislation on the freedom of religion and religious organisations;

- render assistance to the religious organisations on their request in achieving agreements with the state bodies by them as well as assistance in the matters requiring the solution by the state bodies;

- promote the strengthening of the mutual understanding and tolerance between the religious organisations of different confessions;

- provide the local executive and administrative bodies with the methodical recommendations and consultations on the matters concerning the observance and application of the legislation on the freedom of religion and religious organisations;

- ensure the theological examinations with the participation of the representatives of religious organisations and appropriate specialists;

- register the statutes (regulations) of religious associations, centres, boards and the religious fraternities, cloisters, missions, and ecclesiastical educational institutions created by them;

- represent the Government in the relations with religious organisations and their representatives on the instruction of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The observance of the legislation on the freedom of religion and religious organisations at the places shall be ensured by the local Councils of Deputies as well as local executive and administrative bodies.

The regional (Oblast) executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee may create the bodies (departments) for the communications with the religious organisations in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus On the Local Administration and Self-Administration in the Republic of Belarus(D.


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Article 28. Social Security and Social Insurance of Citizens Employed in Religious Organisations | Minsk – the Monastery of Zhirovitchy – Minsk , 5 days/ 4 nights
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