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X. Interpret the following sentences. Pay attention to the words and word combinations, in italics.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 401.

a) I. The passenger traffic in the ocean-going was heavy.

2. Time hung heavy on his hands.

3. I'd go by air if I were you. You are sure to have heavy seas this time of the year.

He is a heavy sleeper.

b) I. Mr Kelada flashed an oriental smile at me.

2. It flashed upon me that it was just the thing.

3. There wasn't a flash of hope.

4. News was flashed over the country that he was ill.

c) I. Mr Kelada had us at his mercy.

2. Have mercy on them, they are tired.

It is a mercy that we needn't get up so early.

d) I. We called him Mr Know-All, even to his face.

2.He never shows his face here any more.

3. Her face is her fortune.

4. He had the face to tell me I was wrong.


XI. Explain:

1) why the author was dismayed at the thought of sharing a cabin with Mr Kelada;

2) what he found so exasperating about Mr Kelada;

3) why Mr Kelada was the best hated man in the ship;

what caused heated arguments at the doctor's table;

5) what turn the conversation concerning culture pearls took;

6) what role Mr Kelada played in averting a scandal;

7) what brought about a change in the author's attitude to Mr Kelada;

8) what motives Mr Kelada was guided by in behaving as he did;

9) what is the plot centered around;

10) what is the composition of the story;

11) what is the main character of the story;

12) in what way does the author prepare the reader not to like Mr Kelada;

13) what phrase repeatedly occurs in the story; on what purpose does Maugham do it;

14) what devices does the author use to draw the character-portrayal of Mr Kelada (epithets, emotionally coloured words, irony, direct characterization, indirect (speech and action) characterization). Account for the positive and negative features of Mr Kelada. What effect does the author achieve using them; how do the other people on board the ship treat him;

15. how does a generous, noble act of Mr Kelada strike you; were you prepared for it or was it a thunder bolt?

16. what is your attitude to the main character;

17) interpret the title of the story;

18) what is the moral of the story.


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IX. Translate the following into English using words and word combinations from the text. | XIII. Describe Mr Kelada's appearance and the features of his character as revealed in the story.
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