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IV.Ask 5 why-questions on the text.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 395.

III. Find the following words and word-combinations in the text and use them in your own sentences.

I. Read the 1stpart of the story “Gigolo and Gigolette” by S. Maugham (pp. 67 – 76)

II. Translate the passage on p.74 from “It was certainly an odd pair ...” up to “Angelo hurried up ...”

1. to catch sight of smb (smth)

2. to take the risk

3. to make one's living by + Gerund

4. to miss smth

5. to be a success with

6. to give smb a free meal

7. to be disappointed

8. to be over

9. to be impressed

10.to make a sensation

11. to go mad over smth

12. to get sick of smth

V. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Stella made her living by diving; she dived into a tank from. the top of the ladder sixty feet high.

2. Stella's trick was a great success with the public.

3. Mrs Barrow was an American widow who had the money hardly enough to keep body and soul together.

4.The public took an interest in Stella's trick, because it was very dangerous and every evening Stella was expecting to kill herself.

5.Every evening many rich people came to see the trick as they didn't want to miss the accident, and left disappointed.

6. Stella was very pretty, wasn't she?

7. When the trick was over the people were relieved to see Stella alive.

8. The odd pair attracted everyone's attention. The woman was young, attractive and dressed to the perfection.

9. The woman cannon-ball made a sensation in the Casino.

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VII. What is the mood permeating the story from its beginning to the end? What is the subject matter of the story? | VIII. Make up an outline of the first part of the story and get ready to speak on it.
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