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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 409.




Identify the complication. At what point does the tension climax?

Comment on the structure of exposition and outcome.

1. What is the theme of this story? Is it universal?

2. Is there any case of direct naming of the feeling described in the story? Pick out facts and phrases implying it.

3. Is this mainly a love story or evaluative mirroring of Dublin life?

1) The opening paragraphs of the story contain a description of the street and house where the narrator lived. Does it seem like a pleasant place for the ch-r to live? Pick out epithets characterising the place. What connotations dominate? What stylistic devices are used in the description and what is their effect?

2) From the rest of the story pick out more details which help to convey the atmosphere of decay pervading the house and street in which the boy lives. What lexical and semantic repetitions contribute to creating this atmosphere?

3) In all the passages describing Dublin find images that appeal to the sense of:

- sight – smell – touch – hearing

4) How is drunkenness as a stigma of Dublin life shown in this story?

5) Underline all the words and expressions connected with religion. Into which aspects of the life of the people in the story does the influence of the church extend?

- Why couldn't the girl go to the bazaar herself?

- How is it reflected in the boy's language, jestures and imagery he uses in his thoughts?

6) Consider the expressions connected with the notions of ‘light' and ‘darkness' in the story? Which of the two notions prevails? How does it add to the atmosphere? What is light contextually linked with? What does darkness symbolize?

7) Which of the adjectives would you choose to describe the setting?

- hostile

- welcoming

- alien

- familiar

- inhospitable

- comforting

- meagre

- other_____

8) How is the atmosphere of decay and lack of energy underlined in the story? By the use of:

· poetic and figurative l-ge

· short affirmative s-ces

· detailed descriptions

· scattered details

· w-ds with negative connotations?

9) Does the storyteller focus primarily on:

· describing Dublin from a physical point of view?

· creating a psychological profile of the city in the described period?

10) Does the setting back up the romantic plot of the story by similarity or by contrast?

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