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CHARACTERSDate: 2015-10-07; view: 475. NARRATOR 1) What type of narrator is used to tell the story a) third person b) first person? 2) In your opinion, is the passage told from a child's point of view or from the point of view of an adult reliving a childhood experience? Pick out the sentences and phrases of the text to prove your point. 3) Does the narrator impose his opinions on the reader or let him decide for himself? I. Focus on the character of the boy. 1) In what aspects is the main character similar to other boys mentioned in the story and in what ways is he different? What marks his transition into adolescence? Identify the sentences proving that he became apart from his play-mates. 2). Find proof in the text that the boy was:
- sensitive - solitary - romantic - self-contained - timid - passive 3) Is his pasivity inherent or enforced on him? Name the forces he is dependent on. Explain the reasons for the boy's ‘anguish and anger' at the end of the story. 4) Is the boy's character portrayed or suggested? II. Focus on the character of the uncle. 1) What attitude to the boy's uncle is displayed by: · the boy · his aunt · the children? Identify the sentence showing that the whole house depended on his opinion. 2) Does the narrator put the fact that he is an all-powerful figure in his family directly or is it implied? Prove by the text. 3) Which of the adjectives can be used to characterize the uncle? Prove your point. · brusque · powerful · inconsiderate · cruel · selfish · self-indulgent · self-important · other______________ III. Focus on the character of the aunt . What sort of woman was she? Prove your choice · mild · gentle · unassertive · kind · energetic · pitiful · considerate · subdued