Transcribe the following words to avoid possible
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 388.
mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:
acupuncture; acupuncturist; homeopathy; osteopathy; insomnia; vaccinations; pulse; to deaden; arthritis; asthma; punctured.
26. Match the words with their definitions:
1. allergic (adj.)
| a) to make something less painful or less strong
| 2. dental (adj)
| b) appendixes a small tube-shaped part inside the body below the stomach
| 3. homeopathy (n)
| c) relating to teeth
| 4. vaccination (n)
| d) a way of treating illnesses using very small amounts of natural substances
| 5. deaden (adj)
| e) an illness which causes the parts of the body where bones meet to become painful and often big
| 6. arthritis (n)
| f) a medical condition which makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become narrow or blocked
| 7. asthma (n)
| g) abbreviation for general practitioner: a doctor who sees people in the local area and treats illnesses that do not need a hospital visit
| 8. clinical (adj)
| h) when you find it difficult to sleep
| 9. insomnia (n)
| i) the treatment of injuries to bones and muscles using pressure and movement
| 10. GP (n)
| j) relating to medical treatment and tests
| 11. appendix (n)
| k) caused by an allergy
| 12. miracle (n)
| l) having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future
| 13. preventive (also preventative) (adj):
| m) something that is very surprising or difficult to believe.
| 14. puncture
| n) preventive action is intended to stop something before it happens.
| 15. significant (adj)
| o) to make a hole in something.
| 16. osteopathy (n)
| p) a substance which contains a harmless form of a virus or bacterium (= extremely small organism), and which is given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease which the virus or bacterium causes.
| 17. worn-out(adj.)
| q) another effect that a drug has on your body in addition to the main effect for which the doctor has given you the drug.
| 18. side effect (n)
| r) a treatment in which your feet are rubbed and pressed in a special way in order to improve blood flow and help you relax.
| 19. reflexology (n):
| s) very tired because you have been working hard
| ? 27. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. She was feeling out of the weather and a bit fevering so she took the day off.
2. I felt really off my colour yesterday and my head was throwing, so I took a tablet.
3. I felt a bit off the sorts and seemed to have more pains and aches than usual.
4. My arms are hurting after carrying that heavy suitcase of yours.