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Complete these sentences with words from the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 502.

What do we call the type of alternative medicine which...


1. uses herbs and other natural plants?

2. uses oils which smell nice and are rubbed into your body?

3. uses needles to stick into specific parts of your body?

4. uses tiny amounts of substances which cause the illness the doctor is trying to cure?


? 29. Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using the active vocabulary.


1. I was feeling quite as if I had a high temperature.

2. The drugs always gave her a feeling that she wanted to vomit.

3. I felt as if my head was spinning and went and lay down for an hour.

4. My nose was blocked so I got a spray from the chemist.

5. I got a pain in my neck from driving a long time in an awkward position.

6. Joanna was shaking and looked unwell, so I asked her if she needed help.



dosage prescription allergic to medication symptoms vaccinations sick note


1. I can't take penicillin; I'm ................................................... it.

2. Before you take those pills, read the label to see what the correct ....................is.

3. I'm going abroad next month so I have to get the necessary ..................... .

4. If you consult a new doctor you should tell him or her if you are already on any…………..................... .

5. Did the doctor give you a ................................................... ? Do you want me to take it to the chemist's for you?

6. I told the doctor my ..................................................., but I don't think she was listening.

7. The doctor gave me a ................................................... for my employer. I was off work for two weeks.


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Transcribe the following words to avoid possible | Here are four pictures of things to do with health and medicine. Can you match them with the labels?
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