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Explain the difference in their meanings.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 440. Explain the meanings of the following word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own. Language Focus The text contains a few words with challenging pronunciation. Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future.
Endemic, to be diagnosed with, to contribute to, guidelines, hypertension , antihypertensive medications, peers, sedentary, physician, strenuous, vigorous , to exhaust, kinesiology, cardiovascular disease, blood cholesterol and glucose levels. 1. to pop a pill 2. to contribute to the disease 3. to turn to medications 4. "illness of civilization" 5. endemic to modern life 6. antihypertensive medications 7. reducing sodium intake 8. sedentary individuals 9. to seek a physician's approval 10. strenuous activities 11. vigorous exercise 12. to relieve stress 62. Give synonyms of the words: endemic, vigorous, sedentary. & 63. Read the text “Cholesterol and health”. Match the underlined words with their definitions.
Cholesterol1 only becomes a problem when you have too much of it and it starts to promote the production of a fatty plaque2 that can clog the arteries Interruption of blood flow to a main heart vessel can cause a heart attack, a blocked blood vessel on the way to the brain could cause a stroke. Some say that cholesterol-rich foods such as eggs, shellfish and offal3 should be banished from the diet, but these foods don't significantly raise cholesterol levels The cholesterol in them is broken down quite efficiently and then excreted4, so they are fine to eat in moderation. Fibre5 produces substances that help to clear the blood of bad cholesterol and acts as a 'buffer'6, so less fat is brought into contact with blood vessels and less is absorbed Fibre also keeps bad cholesterol within the gut7 from where it can be excreted. a) tubes that carry food from the stomach b) something (or someone) that helps protect from harm c) got rid of from the body d) fatty substance found in the body tissue and blood of all animals e)organs from inside animals which are eaten as food (brains, heart, kidneys, liver) f) substance in food that travels through the body as waste, helping digestion g) unwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4___ 5 ___ 6 __ 7 ___. & 64. Read the text. Learn new words and their definitions. R unning, or swift walking, uses the major muscle groups, making it the most efficient form of cardiovascular1 exercise. It has been shown to have a positive effect on blood fats by reducing cholesterol levels. It also lowers blood pressure and helps diabetics2 by improving glucose3 tolerance and reducing insulin4resistance. Running is a very efficient way to burn calories. Converting your weight into pounds5 and then multiplying the result by 75 per cent will give you the amount you burn per mile. The average is about 500 calories for every three miles. If you did this three times a week, you'd lose 1\2 lb a week, 2 lb a month or 24 lb a year. This all-round form of exercise is used in the treatment of mental illness and depression, because it is thought to raise levels of the mood enhancer6, serotonin.
1 affecting the heart and blood circulation 2.3.4. people suffering from diabetes, an illness in which the body cannot cope with glucose [sugar] because it does not produce enough insulin [hormone that controls the level of sugar in the body] 5 measure of weight, 1 pound (lb) = 454 grams 6 hormone that makes you feel happier