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A monster or a saint?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 926.

In the USA, a doctor is racing trial tor helping a woman kill herself. Mrs Atkins, aged 54. contacted Dr Jack Kevorkian and explained that she wanted to end her life because she was suffering from an incurable disease. The doclor put his suicide machine into a van and he drove to a park where he told Mrs Atkins how to administer the fatal injection. If the court decides he killed Mrs Atkins, he could be jailed lor life. In his defence, the doctor said: 'She knew what she was doing, she wanted to end her life. I asked her if she knew what that meant. She said. "Yes. I'm going to die. There's nothing for me. There's no life".' The police have taken the machine but Dr Kevorkian will help other people to end their lives unless he is kept in prison. In the doctor's own words he says: "If they send me to jail, they'd better keep me there, otherwise I'll do it again when I get out.”

— 13.Discussion points


1. Is Dr Kevorkian a saint or a monster?

2. What 'rights' should a person have over medical treatment? Should they be allowed to choose whether or not to die?

3. What do you think a court in your country would decide in Dr Kevorkian's case?

4. Since this story happened, a cure has been found for Mrs Atkins' disease. Does this change your opinion at all?

—& 14. Speaking

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