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In this module you will

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 404.

ü learn how to deliver an oral presentation

ü talk about universities, fields of study and subject courses

ü use key words for efficient reading

ü organize and develop ideas into a paragraph

ü learn how to fill in an application form

ü revisit subject and verb agreement

Unit 1 Making Choice can be Hard Work
  Lead In  

1. Choosing the right place to study is a very personal decision that will have a lasting impact on your life. To make your choice you have to answer a lot of questions. Think of a few reasons that helped you to make up your mind, e.g.:

  • university location
  • fields of study


  1. How did you get information about the university and faculty you study at: through University Prospectus, University Open Days, from your friends, etc?


  1. Look through the advertisement of the University of Birmingham. Take notes under these headings.

a) Levels of study

b) Fields of science

c) Accommodation provided

d) University structure

e) Number of students and staff

f) Facilities and services

g) Students life

Internationally recognised among the world's best universities, University of Birmingham enables and inspires individuals to develop their potential so that they grow intellectually throughout life, are well equipped for work and can make an impact on society. It increases knowledge and contributes to the advancement of its application for the benefit of the world.  


provides diverse opportunities for study and researchwithin a broad subject range for students at

all levels.

C Undergraduate courses allow students to combine subjects of interest and will train the skills necessary for future career.

C Postgraduate programmes allow easy access to outstanding research facilities. It offers a wide range of postgraduate research opportunities - research and taught programmes, continuing professional development courses, distance learning programmes)

C It also offers different full and part time MBA programmes developed to meet the

needs of busy professionals.


is proud of

C over 20,000 students from the UK and 4500 students from around the world

C 6000 staff working in a range of academic, professional, technical roles

C a number of notable alumni* and academic staff, including five Nobel Prize winners



C5 colleges - Arts and Law, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Social Sciences - each of which is divided into several schools

C an art gallery, geology museum and a beautiful botanic garden, Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Shakespeare Institute, Sculpture trail, Ironbridge Gorge

C libraries that house quite a few special collections of rare and contemporary books, journals, papers and musical references that are publicly accessible

C a variety of IT facilities that support learning

C advanced support services network including student mentors*, advice and counselling, practical

support if you have a disability

C 2 campuses with plenty of the small town facilities – bars, shops, a hair salon, launderette, concert hall, excellent sports facilities and two banks. There is even a railway station, just two stops from New Street.


provides high quality residential accommodation instudent villages in single study-bedrooms with shared facilities,shared houses and three- to six-bedroom apartments with en suite facilities*


organizes and supports

C more than 160 student groups and societies, reflecting every taste and interest – from hang gliding to rock music groups and symphony orchestra

C a packed calendar of various social events to enhance student life


“What brings the Birmingham experience to life is a vibrant, diverse learning community that is not just talented, but constantly inquisitive.”

(Adapted and abridged from the University of Birmingham website)


alumnus (pl. alumni) - âûïóñêíèê

mentor - êóðàòîð, íàñòàâíèê

en suite facilities - óäîáñòâà èíäèâèäóàëüíîãî ïîëüçîâàíèÿ


  1. Look through the text and write down all the words and phrases that correspond to the following Russian words. Check the differences in their meanings in the dictionary. Make up sentences of your own with these words and phrases.




  1. Match words in A with the words in B to make phrases used in the text.
1) develop a) collections
2) enhance b) skills
3) support c) potential
4) train d) accommodation
5) offer e) societies
6) reflect f) student life
7) increase g) interests
8) house h) needs
9) meet i) knowledge


  1. Look back in the text and find words and phrases that have similar meaning.
a) influence b) advantage
c) progress d) excellent
e) famous and important f) open to sb.
g) of a higher level h) on campus
i) full j) curious

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