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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 517.


2.1. The object and purpose of discipline management personnel

Personnel Management is based on the laws, practices, principles, functions and procedures that objectively inherent in the effective management and maintenance are set out in the general philosophical and economic disciplines, with a management focus.

Nevertheless, personnel management has its own specificity, its object and subject of management, technology.


Based on the fact that the management staff - this research field, which is a set of concepts and theories that are the subject of discipline methods, tools, motivational setting, influence factors on the part of the management subsystem on the effective use of intellectual, human and social capital of staff in the production process that contributes to the goals of the enterprise and the interests of staff.


The main purpose of personnel management is to join in the personnel policy of the organization of effective planning of staffing requirements, scientifically sound, transparent, representative and an administrative activity, which displays the actual results and developments to assess the personnel, career planning, effective training, professional development and motivation to work for the development of employee skills, effective control and optimal decision-making.


Personnel Management - purposeful activity management of the organization in respect of staff in order to maximize profits while ensuring that staff satisfaction with their activities.

Management staff is establishing a system of personnel management, planning, personnel management, developing an operational plan to work with staff, identifying human resources needs of the organization and staffing, the formation of an objective staff appraisal system, the foundations of correct placement of personnel, the formation of partnerships, reaching high levels of socio- economic efficiency of personnel management.

The main elements of the system of personnel management is personnel (employees, staff), which may act as an object and subject of management.



The global objective is directly personnel management is to establish, develop and implement the most effective human resource capacity of the organization. The idea is that everyone in the organization was motivated to improve the competence, increase their intellectual level, used to more fully work and creativity and thus contributed to the achievement of organizational goals.


Content of discipline are both theoretical and practical problems of developing effective project management professionals in the organization, which includes the formation of human resources policy, planning, staffing, intake workers, formation of personnel reserve, training and conversion, performance evaluations, personnel, planning, career development systems, employee motivation, to determine the efficient of personnel management in the organization.


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