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Organizational strategy and personnel management development strategy

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 448.

Uncountable fact that the main element of enterprise are it staff. It constitutes a fundamental article of investment cost of recruitment and training within the staff development that is intended to enhance the efficiency and productivity of their work, on the one hand, and initiate processes on the accumulation and formation of the human, intellectual and social capital and this, in the final, affects the functioning of businesses and organizations in general.

In studies of the most successful U.S. companies, conducted by Peters and Watermen, one of the eight factors that are common to all companies, was the idea of ​​increasing productivity of employees through caring about the people from the leaders.

These companies do not consider investment in production as the main source of organizational effectiveness. They believe their employees the most important factor, despite the fact that people can not be bought, written off or multiplied as quickly and easily as other assets.



Under HR-Strategy understands explicit and implicit intentions of the corporation for the management of their employees, expressed through philosophy, policies and practices.


It is considered that any strategy should be presented within the main corporate documents, but in the UK HR-management emerged the view that the strategy - is not something completed and thoroughly developed, and has been developing in accordance with what it should not be presented on paper but exist within Such an understanding is developed by senior management within the corporate strategy and may coincide or not coincide with the organization's strategy, as evidenced by Fig 1.


A separation model illustrates the ineffective management of personnel, as lack of relationship between organizational and HR-strategy accounts for ignoring the senior management of issues related to personnel. Such control is effective only in the case of crisis management, when all the management attention focused on the final results of the company and the interests of staff are treated as secondary.

In subsequent models assume some degree of compliance with organizational and HR-strategies, in particular, in model B reflects the growing recognition of the importance of human factors within the effectiveness of the organization. "Employees are regarded as key to the implementation of the declared strategy of the organization and HR-strategy is developed in accordance with this, but we are talking about the one-way decisive influence on organizational strategy, HR strategy.

Opposite effect is implied in the model C (the model of dialogue), when the leadership considered alternatives corrections HR-strategy, but not always taken as a guide to action.

More capacious two-way interaction reflected in the models of integrity and HR-strategy as the engine, the latter model defines the dominant development personnel, capital formation and use of workers in the process of creating an organizational strategy that corresponds to the socially-oriented management.


The theory of HR-management, the proposed by Guest D. Under this theory, there are four objectives HR-Policy:

• strategic integration,

• employee commitment to high quality work,

• flexibility (the creation of adaptable structures of the organization);

• quality - providing high quality goods and services due to the professionalism and skills of staff.

In this case, we must distinguish the direction of HR-management, presented in the list: networking, planning duties, the management of change; recruitment, selection training, social approbation period, assessment, training, skills, reward systems and communication.



As part of the definition of manpower policy can, on the one hand, review documents, retaining the character of works and thus contribute to the development and implementation of the priority list in the formation and development of staff skill-level of which determines the solution of problems faced by the enterprise in a certain period of time.

On the other hand foreign researchers most often use the notation a good staff policy as an overall human resource strategy that combines various aspects of the organization's policy on staff and plans to use the labor force. It should enhance the organization's ability to adapt to changing technologies and market requirements, which can be anticipated in the foreseeable future.

In other words, the staff policy stems from the fundamental goals of the organization and reflects them.

Human Resource Strategy is based on the general strategy, develops and refines it. General strategy is conditionally divided into two groups: a strategy of operation (which are related to the behavior of organizations in the market) and development.

Personnel policies may thus also vary depending on the organization's mission, its goals, objectives.



Human Resource Strategy defines the organization of manpower policy at every stage of its development. Manpower policy is also reflected in the philosophy of the company, the internal regulations, collective agreements and other documents that constitute the conceptual personnel documents. Of particular interest is the philosophy of company-personnel document the use of which is an innovation at Ukrainian enterprises.

The philosophy of the company - a set of moral and administrative rules and regulations governing relations staff, subordinate to the global goal of enterprise (organization).



The philosophy of the organization is developed on the basis of these documents:

· the Constitution,

· Civil Low,

· Labour Low,

· the Declaration of Human Rights,

· the Collective Agreement.


In addition, the design philosophy of the organization must take into account the peculiarities of production, type of ownership, sector of the economy, employment, social structure of the staff, cultural level personnel and other factors.



Typically, the philosophy is the concept staffing document, which can have such sections:

- goals and objectives of the enterprise (organization);

- Declaration of the Rights of the employee;

- business and moral qualities;

- working conditions and workplace;

- pay and job evaluation;

- social welfare;

- social protection;

- hobby.


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