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Explore the scope of personnel management planning

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 495.

A useful starting point is to consider the different contributions that strategy and planning make to the organization. A common view has been that they are virtually one and the same – hence the term ‘strategic planning'. Henry Mintzberg distinguished between strategic thinking, which is about synthesis, intuition and creativity to produce a not too precisely articulated vision of direction, and strategic planning, which is about collecting the relevant information to stimulate the visioning process and also programming the vision into what needs to be done to get there.


In more detail he suggests:

• Planning as strategic programming– planning cannot generate strategies, but it can make them operational by clarifying them; working out the consequences of them; and identifying what must be done to achieve each strategy.

• Planning as tools to communicate and control– planning can ensure coordination and encourage everyone to pull in the same direction; planners can assist in finding successful experimental strategies which may be operating in just a small part of the organization.

• Planners as analysts– planners need to analyze objective data, both external and internal, which managers can then use in the strategy development process.

• Planners as catalysts– raising difficult questions and challenging the conventional wisdom which may stimulate managers into thinking in more creative ways.


Starting with some ideas of Lam and Schaubroeck we identify four specific ways in which PM planning is critical to strategy, as it can identify:


• gaps in capabilities – lack of sufficient skills, people or knowledge in the business which will prevent the strategy being implemented successfully;

• surpluses in capabilities – providing scope for efficiencies and new ventures to capitalize on the skills, people and knowledge that are currently underused, in order to influence or shape the strategy;

• poor utilization of people – suggesting inappropriate personnel management practices that need to be altered;

• developing a talent pool.



Our environment of rapid and discontinuous change makes any planning difficult and PM planning is especially difficult as people have free will, unlike other resources, such as finance or technology. The contribution and implementation of PM planning is likely to be enhanced if:

• plans are viewed as flexible and reviewed regularly, rather than being seen as an end point in the process;

• shareholders, including all levels of manager and employee, are involved in the process. Surveys and focus groups are possible mechanisms, in addition to line manager representatives on the PM planning team;

• planning is owned and driven by senior managers rather than HR specialists, who need to facilitate the process;

• plans are linked to business and PM strategy;

• plans are user-friendly and not overly complex;

• it is recognized that while a comprehensive plan may be ideal, sometimes it may only be feasible to plan on an issue-by-issue basis.



Planning staff - a system of selection of qualified personnel through the use of two types of sources: internal (working in the organization of staff) and external (borrowed from the external environment), whose aim is to ensure that the needs of organizations in the required number of specialists in a specific period of time.


Personnel management planning - is a purposeful activity of the organization of training, to ensure proportional and dynamic development of staff, the calculation of its skill-mix, the definition of the total additional demand, control over the use of personnel. As a part of the problem M. Armstrong notes that planning is determining the amount of staff with relevant quality characteristics required to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization.



Well-known researcher in the field of management G. Mintsberg notes that planning can be seen in several aspects: how to develop strategic programs and as an instrument of coordination and control.

One may also consider planning as a priority in the strategy as the possible consequences of policies and achieving their goals.

Thus, foreign theorists and practitioners are focusing mainly on the plane needs of the organization, in frames, while the domestic - as one of the types of workforce planning, allocating more subsections of planning - planning for the use of personnel, planning his training, etc. It should be consider that the planning staff due to the broader issues of hiring people than the traditional quantitative approach to the planning staff.



The main task of the planning staff - is the transfer of existing goals and plans of the organization to the specific needs for skilled workers, that is the definition of an unknown quantity of workers needed on the basis of existing management plans, as well as the timing of when they may arise. Once these unknowns are found, within the workforce planning to identify and develop a plan to meet these needs.

Each organization uses different instruments of personnel management planning: some in this direction are carried out serious investigations, others - are limited to superficial attention to the planning staff.



The calculation of staffing needs through the complexity, that is in labor costs (time). In turn, the volume of work on personnel management can be defined by the following methods: normative, with photos of work or timing, cash-analytic method of analogies, expert.
Knowing the regulatory (or computational) complexity of work performed during the year, for example, in the personnel department, we can calculate the number of (B) by

H = T • R / Fn (2.1)
T- total complexity of all the works carried out during the year in the personnel department, man-hour.;
K- factor, taking into account the time spent on work not covered by T (K = 1,15);
Fn- a useful fund of working time per employee per year, per hour.
Currently, domestic enterprises are widely acquired such methods of planning staffing needs as an extrapolation method, the method of adjusted extrapolation method of expert evaluations and the method based on the complexity of work (time).



2.4.Explain an integrated personnel management planning framework

Scientifically-based recruitment can be made based on a model jobs of workers and employees that provide recruitment, assessment, placement on a single methodological basis. The model includes 15 items representing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the workplace.

Scientifically-based recruitment can be made based on a model jobs of workers and employees that provide recruitment, assessment, placement on a single methodological basis. The model includes 15 items representing the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the workplace.

The main objective of the activities of employment - to attract a sufficient number of potential applicants with appropriate skill-level of the open vacancies in the organization by informing potential employees.

The main sources of advertisement are:

ˇ media,

ˇ employment centers,

ˇ the Internet,

ˇ attracting college graduates,

ˇ job fairs or open days,

ˇ posters at the entrance to the organization.


When compared with the function of screening personnel, the main problem here lies in identifying the most suitable candidates and persuading them to adopt a particular position. Selection - a two way process, where the candidate appreciates the organization and the organization assesses a candidate.


Key stages in the selection process

1. Selection of a resume or application forms. Applications for this job may come in the form of: individual treatment candidate; form, completed and returned by a candidate for traditional or e-mail messages with a claim for a position, sent a resume.

2. Prepare a list of potential candidates is formed by pre-screening of written applications for vacant positions.

3. Invite candidates from the list for interview is made, usually employees of Personnel by direct notification of candidates (by phone) or by means of communication (mail, e-mail).

4. Conducting interviews (including tests if appropriate). Interview - a formal exchange of facts, experiences and viewpoints among prospective employers and potential candidates.

5. Decision on the choice of candidates is done based on an assessment by the expert group of the results of interviews and testing, as well as other methods of selection (eg, questioning).

6. Preparing an attractive offer of employment, and its endorsement to candidates who are accepted for the vacancy.

7. Informing the candidates who did not pass the competition.

8. Notification to the managers to close the vacancy.

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