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Working hours and ways to use it

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 388.

TOPIC 3. Working time management


Working Time Management, as well as time management in general, is relevant not only for managers of all levels.

Time management is an important social and humanitarian challenge to every member of modern society that wants to live a full life.


Working Time Management provides its structuring and distribution of tasks undertaken within the current employee activities or tasks that go beyond its scope. Every task must be completed in the specified time frame, that is, at each scheduled indivisible task, has at least three business characteristics - the start date, finish date and the time spent.



To increase the efficiency of staff time an employer can use a variety of options. According to J. Cole, the most common are the following:


1. Overtime work is the work done by the employee by the initiative of employer, as well as work in excess of regulatory number of hours worked for an accounted period.

2. Shift work is the work in shifts mode allows to use as the max required number of hours a day..

3. Working in a flexible working hours - a job that provides the variation of working hours in accordance with the agreement of the parties of the employment contract, provided that the employee has worked the total hours worked during the respective periods (hours, weeks, etc.).

4. Work on a lease of staff is an attracting of personnel the additional agreement with a

third company, which holds that personnel in the staff. This tactic is often used instead of expanding the own personnel.

5. Temporary employment is employment of additional number of workers to the staff under fixed-term contract for up to two months.

6. Teamwork is the separation of the existing work between two or more employees with salaries of everyone in a certain proportion of total revenue of the teams.

7. Part time work - hiring workers on a temporary or permanent basis to work a few hours a week.

8. Home Work is permission to work at home at any time, given the employee the possibility to address for consultation. Home Work provides that an employee being at home, does his work, using a computer or other equipment provided by the organization.



Main directions of staff time: the advantages and disadvantages

Directions Advantages Disadvantages
Overtime work A tool to increase the working hours of personnel. It can be done voluntarily or by the initiative of an employer Not the ideal tool in terms of cost savings. It can encourage staff to postpone the work until the time when it will be payed at higher rates
Shift work It can provide work any time during day if necessary. It allows to increase the duration of man-hours in comparison the standard mode of employment of the day It is not always easy to hire a staff at a time when for other people work has already finished. It increased the time of controlling by long ago senior management
Flexible working hours It may be an element of personnel motivation and it doesn't require large investments The key personnel can be absent at the place when the work necessity of his presents
Working under the staff leasing It can be a very effective tool for cost savings. It reduces the absolute dependence on the personnel (this policy is the key to most large industrial organizations in Japan) It requires careful selection of appears person for leasing. The main problem here is the quality control
Temporary job Is a constant source of labor for the holidays, absence due to illness, a temporary increase in business activity other emergencies. Cheaper in hiring than the key staff May appear the situation where the required employee has left or has not come yet
Teamwork Allows to attract the experienced personnel, which is willing to work part-time In practice, separation of duties is difficult to organize. It has no real advantages in comparesing with part-time job
Part time work It is necessary for occasional short team jobs (For example to place goods on the shelves in the supermarket) It can be useful for a small business. The employees working on this scheme can not feel the organization loyalty or this loyalty can be minimum
Home work The source of labor resources which is an effective tool of a staff costs economy is always available. It allows the qualified experienced employees to combine their work with home duties or with another permanent job It request the permanent communication with those who are working at home, their labor evaluation and close attention to their work fulfillment


Thus one of the base of the work efficiency increase together with implementation of technical and technological innovations, the improvement of the personnel management system, the optimization of logistic chairs can be the optimal use of working time which doesn't require a lot of additional costs from the organization.



The individual planning of staff is setting life goals, develop criteria for their achievement and preparation individual work plans.


The goals vary in content, because each employee has his own peculiarities, and motives.

At the level of the organization the individual goals should be developed in the context of common purpose and mission.

• The strategic goal determines the future qualitative state of the system in the long term, towards which to strive man.

• Tactical objectives determine the future status of the individual subsystems have a qualitative dimension, but the time of their rich is limited the current period, usually up to 1 year.



In the case of both strategic and tactical planning it is necessary to develop tasks which support to the achievement of goals.


The criterion of objective achievement - is a quantitative indicator of the extent or degree of achievement assessment compared with other possible options.


Criterion has always quantify and directed according to the index to maximize or minimize the system state.



The company has a global target is usually divided into three strategic objectives:

1) The economic objective is satisfying the needs of the economy in the organization's products with high quality at minimum costs;

2) The social objective is to ensure equal rights of workers to protect their interests, to care about the standard of living, working and living conditions of employees;

3) The management objective - the development of democracy in management, implementation of the principles of social justice.


To implement the strategic objectives of the enterprise the tactical goals are developed.


Planning at the organizational level can not be divorced from the individual employee's plan.

Planning work is a part of personnel management, an important instrument of influence of management to staff.



The initial data for planning are:

· philosophy,

· business plan by the organization,

· social and economic development plans,

· the balance of the organization's for a fiscal year,

· the collective agreement,

· plans of employee promotion, contracts,

· the results of social survey,

· statistical and operational reporting,

· staff development.


There are three main areas of planning:

1) Directive Planning. The administration of the organization determines the tactical objectives, criteria of their achievement, tasks for the current period, distributes the plan allocates tasks among business units. This planning method ensures the implementation of planning goals and indicators of economic and social development of the organization as a whole. Life goals of individuals are taken into account generally or are ignored at all;

2) The individual planning - is the initial planning of individual life goals of employees. While in generalizing these general plan of the organization is formed. This case, the life goals of people and the group interest are;

3) The combined planning taken into consideration the control tasks, and life goals of employees on the basis of the obtained control tasks are formed simultaneously on the basis of the strategy goals of the organization. This method is much more complex in implementation, but it allows to achieve maximum convergence of the organization and the individual goals.



For mastering the technique of effective planning it is necessary to consider such important components of time management as:

• planning is the basis of production activity. It consists of the following operations and activities: research, analysis of results, testing, comparison, consultation, plan development and bring it to the performers;

• implementation of the plan. In the process of plan implementing the management decisions are made, for these purposes all tasks are divided into categories for individual-level problem, the decision of which is the prerogative of top management, and tasks that require the participation of other people - performers;

• monitoring and control of the targets is required when the plans have already been formed, tasks have been distributed among the performers. This requires a strategy of control, which may be simple (finding the deviation from the norms and standards) and complex (use additional operations).


These components can be realized only through the cooperation of all employees of the organization.


It can be concluded that the ability of manager to plan your time influences not only his personal results, but also on the effectiveness of personnel management in general.



The system can be represented in the following sequence:

the analysis of time budget, a comparison of planned cases, the timing for implementation of these cases, comparison of costs into the future with a personal budget, time, making to-do list for the year, month, week, day.


In this regard, attention should be paid to the technical means by which improved the planning process and rationalized organization of administrative work.


Planning means preparing to implement the goals and the ordering of time. The main advantage achieved through planning, is that the planning time brings gains over time. But they must not assume that the more time spent on planning, the more time saved. At the time, like many other processes that occur once an optimum, after which further planning makes no sense


Basic methods of planning time:


1. Pareto principle, under which only 20% of completed works give 80% of the total result, and 80% of yield only 20% of the results. The planning of the day, it means that inefficiently perform first light, interesting cases or those that require minimal effort. You must do the work and tasks in accordance with their purpose and importance.

2. Analysis of the FAA. ABC technique based on the principle that the proportion of the more important and less important works in their total number remains unchanged, and the proportion of each group of tasks and works out of proportion to achieve a common goal of an individual. ABC analysis is based on three laws:

· the most important things to do (Category A) represent 15% of all jobs and work, and their contribution to the overall result (goal) is approximately 65%;
important cases (B) took on average 20% of their number and their contribution to achieving a common goal and is 20%;

· less important and unimportant things (C) represent 65% of the total number of jobs and work, and their contribution to the overall goal is 65%.

3. Eisenhower principle is a simple adjunct in cases where you need to quickly make a decision about which task to give preference (Fig. 10.3). Priorities are set according to such criteria as the urgency and importance of the case. They are divided into 4 groups:

1. Urgent and important matters (Task A) - you must own head as soon as possible.

2. Urgent and less important things (problems in) - their execution can be delegated to subordinates subject to supervision by the supervisor.

3. Less urgent and important tasks (C) - you must own the head with a delay time, with clearly stated term availability of these jobs.

4. Less urgent and less important things (to) the head itself does not perform, and to delegate to their subordinates.



Effective use of time requires the head of mission (delegation) of their activities and tasks to subordinates.


In this case the delegation has several advantages:

helps the manager more time to accomplish important tasks;

promotes the use of professional knowledge and skills of workers;

encourages the disclosure of ability, independence and competence of subordinates;

positive impact on the motivation of employees.


When you delegate its powers to the head:

• delegate only routine and preparatory work;

• allocate areas of responsibility;

• encourage and advise subordinates;

• coordinate the implementation of assigned tasks;

• monitor the working process and results;

• evaluate their employees;

• prevent attempts to reverse or subsequent delegation.


Time as a resource for everyone initially has an equal number

But the results of its use in different people are different.

Constant lack of time for intense working rhythm - a phenomenon observed in the majority of executives around the world. The use of technical tools for planning the management of labor and the widespread use planning methods suggested above can help you optimize business day in accordance with the priority mission-critical operations and missions.


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