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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 448.

Прочитайте диалоги, в которых сравниваются деловые и личные качества двух человек при приеме на работу. Употребите прилагательные в скобках в нужных формах: в положительной степени или сравнительной степени.

Class assignments

Unit 4. Revision: Personal Information. Physical Appearance. Personal and Professional Qualities.

Grammar Focus: Обобщение и систематизация актуальной грамматики уроков 1-3.
Vocabulary Focus: Лексика семантических полей «Личная информация», «Внешность человека», «Личные и профессиональные качества».




1) A: Do you think we can take Ms. Black or Ms. White?

B: I am not sure. Ms. Black isn't as (friendly) as Ms. White. However, she is (intelligent) than Ms. White.

A: But Ms. White is (polite) than Ms. Black.

B: Yes, I know. On the other hand, she isn't as (responsible) as Ms. Black. I think Ms. Black is the best candidate! Ms. White is much (bad) for the job!

2) A: Do you think we can take Mr. Crook or Mr. Hook?

B: I am not sure. Mr. Crook isn't as (nice) as Mr. Hook. However, he is (smart) than Mr. Hook.

A: But Mr. Hook is (decisive) than Ms. Crook.

B: Yes, I know. On the other hand, he can be bossy at times. Mr. Crook isn't as (bossy) as Mr. Hook. I think Mr. Crook is much (good) for the job!


ambitious boring generous interesting reserved patient smart talented energetic responsible honest noisy sensitive polite smart stubborn selfish

1) Jessica sings, dances, and plays the guitar. She is very ___. In fact, she is __ person I know.

2) I give very expensive presents to my friends. I am very __. My friends say I am __ person they know.

3) My Aunt Polly does morning exercises and swims before work. She is very __. In fact she is __ I know.

4) Helen always says “Thank you” and “You're welcome”. She is very __. In fact, she is __ person I know.

5) Sally always knows the answers to all the questions. She is very __. In fact, she is __ person I know.

6) Professor Ford's lectures are not interesting. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

7) Dr. Chen never gets angry. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

8) Hubert always says what he thinks. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

9) My neighbors play loud music late at night. They are very __. In fact, they are __ people I know.

10) My Chemistry class is never boring, because my Chemistry teacher is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

11) My cousin Henry thinks he is always right. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

12) My nephew never shows his feelings. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

13) My niece sometimes forgets about other people's feelings. She is very __. In fact, she is __ person I know.

14) My husband wants to be successful in life. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.

15) My sister gets upset very easily. She is very __. In fact, she is __ person I know.

16) We always rely on Fred. He is very __. In fact, he is __ person I know.


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