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Вставьте в данный текст подходящие по смыслу слова.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 489. Подчеркните сказуемые в данных предложениях. Сформулируйте правило использования окончания –s (-es) или нулевого окончания в простом настоящем времени. 1) We sing, dance, and play the guitar. 2) I give very expensive presents to my friends. 3) My Aunt Polly does morning exercises and swims before work. 4) Hubert always says what he thinks. 5) My neighbors play loud music late at night. 6) She always relies on Fred. 7) You often forget about other people's feelings.
Выберите подходящую форму глагола (с окончанием –s или без него): 1. I (want, wants) to be successful in life. 2. Her mother (work, works) as a physician in the city hospital. 3. She always (get, gets) upset. She is so sensitive. 4. I (hate, hates) studying Physics. 5. My parents (think, thinks) that I can be very lazy at times. 6. His uncle (play, plays) many musical instruments. He is very talented. 7. She (spend, spends) a lot of money when she is on holiday. 8. The students (take, takes) part in different activities.
My name __ Alex. My _ Johnson. I live __ Washington. I __ 17 years old. I ___ in the first __ at a medical school. I __ very many friends. They say they can always rely on me because I am very __. What they don't like is that I often tell them what to do, so __ friends say that I can be bossy at __ . I like __ tennis every weekend. I enjoy __ detective stories. But I dislike __ my room (so my things are always on the floor and under my desk). My father __ a surgeon. He __ in one of the city hospitals. He is very decisive. He can make __ quickly. He is very responsible and __ ambitious. He is a handsome __. He __ tall and well-built. He __brown curly hair. His hobbies __ listening to jazz and travelling. We like __ free time together. Сформулируйте вопросы по содержанию прочитанного текста. 1) ______________________________________? – Alex. 2) ______________________________________? – Johnson. 3) ______________________________________? – 17. 4) ______________________________________? – Yes, very many friends. 5) ______________________________________? – Yes, very responsible. 6) ______________________________________? – A surgeon. 7) ______________________________________? – Brown. 8) ___________________________________________? – Tall and well-built. 9) ______________________________________? – Listening to jazz and travelling. 10) ____________________________________? – No, he is handsome.