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Прочитайте диалог, в котором Сью жалуется своей подруге Ким на студентов из ее общежития. Выполните задания после диалога.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 749.

Поставьте глаголы в форму настоящего длительного времени, чтобы показать, что действия происходят в момент речи.

Ted: Hi, Mum! What are you doing?

Mother: Hello, Ted! I (cook) dinner.

Ted: Where's Dad?

Mother: He's in the living room. He (watch) football.

Ted: Henry (watch), too?

Mother: No, Henry is in his room. He (read) for tomorrow's exam.

Ted: And where are Lucy and Judy? Are they at home?

Mother: No, they are not. They (play) in the yard. Ted, why are you asking so many questions? I am tired of them!

Ted: Sorry, Mum! I just (practice) my English! I (do) my homework.

Sue, who is living in a dormitory, is calling her friend Kim, who is living in a nearby dormitory. Sue is complaining to Kim about the students on her floor.

Sue: Hi, Kim! This is Sue.

Kim: Hi, Sue. How are things going?

Sue: Oh, I'm very upset.

Kim: Why?

Sue: The students in my dorm are really noisy.

Kim: That's too bad.

Sue: My roommate, Diana, is playing her new CD. The students in the next room are watching a basketball game and they are shouting and cheering. The student across the hall is practicing her French with her new MP3 player. The students on the upper floor are having a party. I'm going crazy with all this noise!

Kim: Well, I'm going to the library because I'm having the same problems. Let's go together, okay?

Sue: Good idea! I'm so upset that I am not thinking straight.

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