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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 537.

А) Определите, соответствуют ли данные утверждения содержанию диалога (True or False?). Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1) Both Kim and Sue are having problems with their neighbours.

2) Kim's roommate is Diana.

3) Sue is upset because the students are playing ball in the hall.

4) Some students on Sue's floor are watching a basketball game.

5) The student across the hall is singing.

6) Both Kim and Sue are going to the library.

б) Ответьте на вопросы о том, кто что делает в общежитии в данный момент.

Образец: Is Mary reading? – No, she isn't. She isn't reading. She is singing.

1) Is Kim calling Sue?

2) Are Kim and Sue living in the same dormitory?

3) Is Sue complaining about the people in the street?

4) Is Diana listening to her new MP3 player?

5) Are the students in the next room watching a volleyball game?

6) Is the student across the hall practicing her Spanish?

7) Are the students on the upper floor studying?

8) Is Kim going shopping?

Steve: Hello?

Henry: Hi, Steve. This is Henry.

Steve: Oh, hi, Henry. What's up?

Henry: Not much. What (happen) over there?

Steve: Well, let's see… Peter (wash) his clothes, and, from the noise that I hear upstairs, I know that Jim and Dave (vacuum) their room. They usually (vacuum) it in the evening. I can hear Ann downstairs. She (listen) to music and (sing).

Henry: How about Sam and Mike? What (they/ do)?

Steve: Oh, I think they (play) cards.

Henry: They always (play) cards when I call you… OK. Well, I'm kind of bored here, so maybe I'll see you later.

Steve: OK. See you.

Henry: Bye.


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