PracticeDate: 2015-10-07; view: 729. Do the exercises: № 1 Match the chart types given in the box with the pictures below.
№ 2 The tables below show words which are used to describe graphs. Complete the tables. Use a dictionary to translate unknown words. (a)
№ 3 Начало формы 1. Sales peaked _________ 2,000,000 in 1999. 2. Profits rose _________ a low of 4.5 million to a high of 8 million. 3. Sales fluctuated ___________ 5 million and 6 million. 4. Profits fell ________ 10%, from 2000 to 1800. 5. The number of students fell _______ a low of 1800 in 2003. 6. Cases of AIDS shot _____ from 2400 in 1996 to 4000 in 2003. 7. The number of cars sold remained unchanged in 1999, _____ three million. 8. Students do between three _________ four hours homework a night. 9. The number of accidents _______ 1999 was slightly higher than in 2000. 10. The figure rose steadily _________ the four years between 1997 and 2001.
№ 4 Describe the graphs below, using adjectives and nouns from the tables. Use a dictionary to help you decide which words collocate. There may be more than one possibility.
№ 5 a) Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about the graph, e.g. A: What were sportswear sales like in January? B: They fell slightly. To be exact, they fell from 1.5 million to 1 million dollars. In February they... b) Student A: Look at graph 1.Describe it to your partner. Student B: Look at graph 2. Describe it to your partner.
№ 6 Listen (track 1) and match the graphs with the correct departments (1-4): 1.home improvement; 2.stationary; 3.household appliances; 4. cosmetics
№ 7 Match descriptions a-f to the six graphs and charts.
a) This pie chart shows the results of a study carried out on schoolchildren. The figures compare how they spend their free time, with over half now playing computer games. b) The level of spending on Asia and Africa is constant, with both sectors receiving about the same. c) The findings on this chart show that the overall number of positive and negative answers from the group was significantly different. d) We conclude that the sudden rise and overall improvement was due to the large investment and attention to spending that took place in the previous year. e) Earlier in the year there was a marked fall and then sales remained relatively stable for the remaining six months. f) We predict that next year's figures will go up by about 10 percent on current forecast.
№ 8 Label the sales graph using the correct phrases from the box.
№ 9 Look at the graph. It shows car sales from 1991 to 2000. When was: 1.the biggest decrease? 2.the biggest increase? 3.the smallest increase? 4.the smallest decrease?
Now complete these sentences using the graph: 1. _______ 1993 ________1994 registrations rose ________ about 7,000. 2. There was a decrease __________ about 2.3 million from 1992 to 1993. 3. Car registrations rose __________ about 11.2 million in 1993 _________ about 12.8 million in 1996.
№ 10 Read the descriptions of four graphs. Suggest titles to the texts. Underline the expressions which are used to speak about trends. Translate the texts. Make charts to present the information given. Text 1 The graph shows changes in the amount of fast food consumed in the UK between 1970 and 1990. Several trends are apparent. First, Britons are eating more and more fast food. Secondly, the type of fast food has changed. In 1970, the most popular fast food was fish and chips. Over 300g were consumed each week. By 1990, however, this had fallen to just over 200g - a 50% drop. Consumption of other fast foods such as pizza and hamburgers increased, however. The amount of pizza eaten shot up from about 20g a week to more than 270g, overtaking fish and chips in the late 1980s. Hamburger consumption also increased, rising from about 80g in 1970 to almost 300g in 1990. Accompanying this change in the choice of foods was an increase in the amount of fast food consumed. In 1970, British consumers ate about 450g a week of fast food. In 1990, on the other hand, this had more than doubled, to 1000g
Text 2 The graph shows the amount of fast food eaten between 1970 and 1990 in grams per person per week. Overall, the amount of fast food eaten more than doubled. The amount of fish and chips eaten declined slightly. In 1970, the consumption was about 300g/week. This fell to 220g/week in 1990. In contrast, sales of hamburger and pizza rocketed. In 1970, very little pizza was eaten - less than 50g/week. This rose to 280g/week by 1990. In the same period, hamburger sales shot up by more than 500%, from 100g/week in 1970 to 500 grams in 1990. In conclusion, although there was a big increase in the consumption of pizza and hamburger, sales of fish and chips decreased.
Text 3 The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of people at a London underground station over the course of a day. The busiest time of the day is in the morning. There is a sharp increase between 06:00 and 08:00, with 400 people using the station at 8 o'clock. After this the numbers drop quickly to less than 200 at 10 o'clock. Between 11 am and 3 pm the number rises, with a plateau of just under 300 people using the station. In the afternoon, numbers decline, with less than 100 using the station at 4 pm. There is then a rapid rise to a peak of 380 at 6pm. After 7 pm, numbers fall significantly, with only a slight increase again at 8pm, tailing off after 9 pm. Overall, the graph shows that the station is most crowded in the early morning and early evening periods.
Text 4 The pie charts show changes in American spending patterns between 1966 and 1996. Food and cars made up the two biggest items of expenditure in both years. Together they comprised over half of household spending. Food accounted for 44% of spending in 1966, but this dropped by two thirds to 14% in 1996. However, the outlay on cars doubled, rising from 23% in 1966 to 45% in 1996.Other areas changed significantly. Spending on eating out doubled, climbing from 7% to 14%. The proportion of salary spent on computers increased dramatically, up from 1% in 1996 to 10% in 1996. However, as computer expenditure rose, the percentage of outlay on books plunged from 6% to 1%. Some areas remained relatively unchanged. Americans spent approximately the same amount of salary on petrol and furniture in both years. In conclusion, increased amounts spent on cars, computers, and eating out were made up for by drops in expenditure on food and books.
№ 11 Avoid repetitions. Read the extract and replace the words in bold with one of the expressions in the box.
This bar chart shows the results of a studycarried outfor World Statistics Inc into spending on entertainment in Asia, Europe and the United States. The study compares spending in2005 with a forecast for 2015 across different sources of entertainment: cinema, DVD, music and magazines. Overall, the survey shows that total spending on entertainment in the US is double that of Europe and Asia combined, in both 2005 and 2015. Also, the US will show the greatest increase in spending between2005 and 2015. The level of spending for Europe and Asia between the two years shows a slight increase. For all three markets the biggest change in spending will be on music and DVDs, which both show a sharp rise. Interestingly, the only significant decrease in spending on cinema will remain fairly constant. We conclude that there is no point at present in entering the manazine or cinema market, but there are real possibilities in the music market. More research into this market is recommended.
№ 12 Look at the graph. Write a paragraph to describe it.
№ 13 Look at the chart showing trends in household types in the UK from 2003 to 2026. Write a description of the changes the chart shows.
№ 14 > Before you listen, try to say these numbers: a. 126,928 b. 251,419 c. 742,110 d. 912,403
> Now listen (track 1) and check your answers.
> Listen (track 1) to the information on sales of imported Japanese cars in the USA and complete the chart.
> Circle the correct answers. a. Toyota sold more / fewer cars than Honda in 1992. b. Honda's sales were higher / lower in 1993 than in 1992. c. 1992 was Toyota's best / worst year for import sales. d. Honda's sales were highest / lowest in 1996.
№ 15 Read the numbers aloud. 1. 15 50 406 72 128 90 19 850 1,520 247 2,000,000 8,769,425 7,234,599,041 2. £100 50p £9.40 $400 ? 5,000 £47.99 ? 1,000 ¥ 9,000,000 3. 12 6.2 17.25 0.57680086 4. 50% 75.7% 100% 17% 70% 13% 30% 0.00234% 5. 1995 1939 15/7/94 30/10/67 2000 1505 2050 1700 6. (phone numbers) 01227 764000 0171 586 4431 00 44 925 270999 7. + x 4 = 14
№ 16 Read the text aloud. In the opinion poll published today, over of the electorate say they intend to vote in the next month's referendum. of voters say they will definitely vote Yes, while will vote No. But that leaves over of the voters who haven't made up their minds. Both sides remain hopeful. A spokesman for the Yes campaign said, “At the moment, of the electorate won't vote No.” A spokeswoman for the other side replied, “That's true, but won't vote Yes!”
№ 17 Underline the correct word to match each figure.
№ 18 Match a question with a number. Listen and check (track 2).
(VAT – Value Added Tax)
№ 19 Look at the chart below. Speak about these countries. Use the information given in this chart.
№ 20 Translate the texts below: a) Чистая прибыль компании значительно увеличилась в конце 1980-х годов. Однако, в начале 1980-х годов рост был очень медленным. Это происходило из-за того, что большинство клиентов данного агентства - японские компании, а экономика Японии росла очень медленно в первую половину десятилетия. В действительности, чистая прибыль упала на 4 мил. долларов с 25 мил. долларов до 21 мил. долларов в 1982. Небольшой рост имел место только в период с 1983 по 1985 год. Так как японская экономика росла очень быстро в конце 1980-х годов, прибыль компании также значительно увеличилась. Ситуация начала улучшаться (recovery/ to start) в 1986, когда прибыль достигла 30 мил. долларов. Она выросла на 8 мил. долларов в 1987 году и еще на 24 мил. долларов в 1988. Затем, в 1989 году, произошло очень резкое повышение, и доходы достигли рекордного уровня в 102 мил. долларов. Таким образом, прибыль была максимальной в 1989 году, так как в 1990 произошло небольшое снижение прибыли до 96 мил. долларов.
b) Количество автомобилей, выпущенных основными (major) японскими производителями в США, значительно выросло в период с 1985 по 1989 год. Тойота начала производить автомобили в США в 1986 году. За первый год они произвели 14,000 автомобилей. Это гораздо больше, чем у Хонды, лидера японского автомобилестроения в США. Производственные показатели как Тойоты, так и Хонды упали в 1987 и 1988 году (в 1987 году падение было резким, а в 1988 оно было небольшим). В 1989 году, однако, производство Тойоты резко увеличилось с 55 тыс. до 231 тыс. С другой стороны, Хонда произвела 362 тыс. автомобилей - на четыре тысячи больше, чем в предыдущем году.