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Revise all the articles given in this Unit and get ready to discuss the following points.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 386.


1. What do you think is better: a job for life with a single company or temporary employment?

2. Do you think young people should start raising money for their pension funds from the very start of their career?

3. Do you think you will have a pick of jobs when you graduate?

4. Do you think men and women should have equal job opportunities?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working away from a formal office? Will more and more employees work off their company premises?

6. Do you think the next generation will be career-makers or will they choose a free lifestyle?



24.Write and essay (200 – 250 words): “Job opportunities and our attitude to work”.

Suggested procedure:

1. Revise the articles of the Unit and see what ideas and concrete information you can use in the essay.

2. Arrange the ideas in a logical order and make up a plan of the essay giving an introduction that will state the subject of the essay and a conclusion which will summarize your ideas and, if possible, give recommendations.

3. See the word list of the Unit and decide what vocabulary would be appropriate in your essay.

4. Write the essay. Introduce each idea or paragraph with linking words like ‘first and foremost, most importantly, above all, furthermore, clearly, therefore, in addition, moreover, however, as a result of, to sum it up'.

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Translate into English. Use the active vocabulary to translate the words and word combinations given in italics. | A) Study the advertisement given below and write your CV and covering letter.
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