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The Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 437.


(Майбутній доконаний тривалий час)

+ I (we) shall have been V4 (writing)
He (she, it, you, they) will
- I (we) shall not have been V4 (writing)
He (she, it, you, they) will
? shall (I, we) have been V4 (writing)
Will (he,she, it, you, they)

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense вживається:

для вираження майбутньої дії, яка, почавшись в майбутньому, буде тривати протягом деякого періоду часу до настання іншої, більш пізньої майбутньої дії або моменту:

- Before the new machine will be stopped tomorrow morning, it will have been working for three hours.

До того, як нова машина буде зупинена завтра вранці, вона буде працювати три години.

- You will have been studying English for five years by the next spring.

Навесні наступного року виповниться п'ять років, як ви вивчаєте англійську мову.

- Before they come, we will have been cleaning the house for 5 hours.


Exercise. 7. Розкрийте дужки вживаючи Future Perfect Continuous, перекладіть речення.

1. By the end of next week we ...............(save) money for two months

2. I ...............(study) English for ten years by the end of next month.

3. How long.................(work) here?

4. They .................(live/not) in my house for 10 years by next Monday, only nine.

5. .....................(paint/John) my fence in two weeks?

6. Her mother...................(work) at hospital for two months in March.

7. Her mother .................(work) at hospital next month.

8. During the ball I ............(dance) only with you.

9. We can't visit you in September,I...................(still/work).

10. .................(you/play) in five hours? I want to use it.

11. He ................. (to study) in London for two years when I come here.

12. He ................. (to teach) German for two years when I begin to teach English.

13. By next July she ................. (to live) here for five years.

14. 4. At six o'clock I ................. (to work) for five hours.

15. I ................. (to work) at the library for 8 hours when you come there.

16. They already (rehearse) for an hour when we come.

17. 1................. (work) in this company for 10 years next April.

18. By next year he ................. (writing) the novel for three years.

19. The thieves are sure that they ................. (drive) for 6 hours when the police discover the robbery in the morning.

20. They ................. (study) for 3 hours when you come.


Exercise. 8. Оберіть правильну відповідь.

1. I................. living here for two months in May

a. will have b. will live c. will have been

2. He............... writing the task by then.

a. will not have been b. will have not been c. willn't have been

3. In September I will have been learning English..............

a.since five years b. for five years c. five years

4. ..............you come home, I will have been writing the task for two hours.

a.by b. when c. by the time

5. I will have been ............ with her by the time you come.

a.talk b. talking c. talks

6. She................. for only four hours when we come back home.

a. will have been sleeping b.will been sleeping c. will have sleeping

7. She ......................... for two hours by the time she................

a. will have been driving/will arrive b. will have been driving/arrive c. will have been driving/arrives

8. ..................... I will have been studying English for three hours.

a. Tomorrow b. Tomorrow at this time c. Tomorrow this time

9. ..............................French at my school for six years when I retire?

a.will she have been teaching b. she will have been teaching c. will she teach

10. We .................................watching TV when you ...................for help.

a. will have not been/call b. will not have been/call c. will not have been/will call


Exercise.9. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Future Perfect абоFuture Perfect Continuous.

1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.

2. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study) German for over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.

3. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

4. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) all twelve tenses including their passive forms.

5. Drive faster! If you don't hurry up, she (have) the baby by the time we get to the hospital.

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