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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 360.
Eric Gross is an area sales manager of a Belgian company which sells chips and other potato-based products. Eric negotiates supply contracts with many of the biggest food retailers in Europe. This is what he says about the key to a successful negotiation and the qualities a good negotiatorshould have.
The most important thing is to be very well prepared. This means, firstly, understanding the buyer's expectations, and secondly knowing exactly what is and isn't negotiable. The ideal outcome of a negotiation is to make a deal both sides are happy with and to get an order. There shouldn't be eithera winner or a loser, if you want to build a long term relationship. I always want to move from being a supplier to a partner. If you know and trust each other, you can do business more quickly. The other day I negotiated a million euro contract in four minutes!
A good salesperson or negotiator needs a few basic skills. First of all you must be a good listener and psychologist. You need to be able to recognize the ‘buy signs'. For instance, when the buyer starts to talk about possible delivery dates, or specific schedules, you know you can take the initiative and close the deal.
You shouldn't try to force anyone into a contract, though of course you need to have arguments to overcome the customer's objections. By the way, the quietcustomers who have neither objections norquestions, are the hardest to deal with. If there is no dialogue then it is hard to build a relationship. In such cases I leave obvious holes in my presentation which will make them ask a question I can answer. Aggressive customers are much easier. They are aggressive because they're insecure. So I reassurethem and make them think they are the boss. Things go better after that. I never get angry myself. Confrontation and losing your temper leadabsolutely nowhere.
1. to negotiate
a negotiation
a negotiator
This issue is not negotiable.
| вести переговоры
переговоры, обсуждение условий
могущий быть предметом переговоров, подлежащий
Этот вопрос не подлежит обсуждению.
| 2. an area sales manager
| региональный менеджер по продажам
| 3. to expect
| ожидать
| 4. an outcome
| результат
| 5. to make a deal
The aim of a negotiator is to make a profitable deal.
to close a deal
| заключить сделку
Целью переговорщика является заключение выгодной сделки.
завершить сделку
| 6. either…or
There shouldn't be eithera winner or a loser, if you want to build a long term relationship.
| или…или
Не должно быть ни победителей, ни проигравших, если вы хотите построить длительные отношения.
| 7. a long term relationship
| длительные отношения
| 8. a psychologist
| психолог
| 9. the ‘buy signs'
You need to be able to recognize the ‘buy signs'.
| признаки того, что клиент собирается купить
Вы должны уметь распознавать признаки того, что клиент собирается купить.
| 10. specific schedules
| конкретный график
| 11. to force someone into a contract
You shouldn't try to force anyone into a contract.
| навязать кому-л контракт
Вам не следует пытаться навязать кому-либо контракт.
| 12. to overcome
| преодолеть
| 13. to object
Never object to the client but have arguments to overcome the client's objections.
| возражать
Никогда не возражайте клиенту, но имейте аргументы, чтобы преодолеть его возражения.
| 14. a hole
| пустое место, брешь
| 15. insecure
Sometimes customers feel insecure during the negotiation.
| неуверенный
Иногда клиенты чувствуют себя неуверенно на переговорах.
| 16. to reassure
If the customer feels nervous the negotiator should reassure him.
| успокаивать
Если клиент нервничает, переговорщик должен успокоить его.
| 17. to lose one's temper
A good negotiator never loses his temper.
| выйти из себя, потерять самообладание
Хороший переговорщик никогда не теряет самообладания.
| 18. to lead
| вести
| 19. quiet
| тихий, молчаливый
| 20. to get angry
| стать сердитым