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Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 464.


1. Answer the Questions

1. What's the key to a successful negotiation?

2. What is the ideal outcome of the negotiation?

3. Are there any limits in a negotiation beyond which the negotiator shouldn't go?

4. What should the negotiator remember if he wishes to build a longer term (ñðîê) relationship?

5. According to the text, what qualities should a good negotiator have?

6. Why should the two sides in a negotiation trust each other?

7. Who are the most difficult customers for Eric? How does he deal with them?

8. Why are some customers aggressive? How can they be dealt with?

9. What are the ‘buy signs'?

10. Why should the negotiator be a psychologist?

1. There is always a winner and a loser in a negotiation.

2. The aim of any negotiation is to reach a compromise.

3. It is good for the negotiator to stay a supplier rather than a partner.

4. Trust is not important in a negotiation.

5. The main task of a good negotiator is to force his customer into a contract.

6. A quiet customer is easy to deal with.

7. Customers get aggressive because they want better contract terms (óñëîâèÿ êîíòðàêòà).

8. Confrontation can often help to make a good contract.


3. Supply the missing words and word combinations

1. A good negotiator needs a few basic s-----.

2. You need arguments to o------- the customer's o---------.

3. There shouldn't be w------ or l----- in a negotiation.

4. You need to be able to recognize the ‘b—s----‘.

5. Being well prepared means understanding the buyer's e----------.

6. You should know what is and what isn't n---------.

7. He always tries to move from being a supplier to a p-----.

8. The quiet customers are the hardest to d--- w---.

9. If there is no dialogue then it is hard to build a r-----------.

10. Eric sometimes leaves obvious h---- in his presentation.

11. Some customers are aggressive because they feel i-------.

12. Confrontation and l----- your t----- lead absolutely nowhere.



1. Chose the correct word or word combination

1. The most important thing in a negotiation is to be ….

a. well dressed b. well prepared c. well read

2. You should understand the buyer's ….

a. language b. skills c. expectations

3. The ideal …. Is to make a deal both sides are happy with.

a. decision b. outcome c. advantage

4. It's good if you become …. rather than a supplier.

a. a seller b. a friend c. a partner

5. You should …. your client.

a. please b. trust c. win

6. A good negotiator needs to have a few basic … .

a. skills b. ideas c. demands

7. A good negotiator always has some arguments to overcome the customer's … .

a. influence b. decisions c. objections

8. The quiet customers are the hardest to… .

a. look for b. to speak to c. deal with

9. Some customers are aggressive because they are … .

a. frightened b. impolite c. insecure

10. …. leads absolutely nowhere.

a. Trust b. Compromise c. Confrontation


2. Match the words and expressions with their definitions


1not confident about yourself aconfrontation
2 behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight, attack, or argue with someone b delivery
3 formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement ca partner
4someone who buys something d a loser
5 to force someone into a contract ea contract
6 a way of solving a problem in which both sides accept that they cannot have everything they want f an outcome
7 someone you have a working relationship with ginsecure
8 someone who did not win hto make someone to sign a contract
9the process of bringing goods to a place Iaggressive
10the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc. Jnegotiation
11a written legal agreement between two people or businesses kabuyer
12a situation in which people or groups are arguing angrily or fighting lacompromise


3. Put the words in the correct word order


1. is / what / negotiation / the / a / key / successful / to / ?

2. have / should /negotiator / qualities / what / good / a / ?

3. prepared / is / well / the / thing / most / important / to / be / .

4. either / winner / loser / there / a / a / should / be / not / .

5. skills / needs / a / salesperson / good / a few / basic / have / to / .

6. trust / client / you / your / should / .

7. of / you / be / must / first / all / good / be / a / psychologist / .

8. try / into / contract / a / shouldn't / you / to / client / force / your / .

9. deal / hardest / the / are / quiet / the / to / with / customers / .

10. to / a / build / there / no / is / dialogue / if / relationship / is / hard / it / then / good / .

11. need / you / arguments / client's / overcome / to / have / to / the / objections / some / .

12. lead / confrontation / temper / your / nowhere / absolutely / and / losing / .

4. Give the English equivalents


à. ïåðåãîâîðû…………………………………………………………………………

â. êëþ÷ ê..……………………………………………………………………………………

ñ. îæèäàíèÿ ïîêóïàòåëÿ……………………………………………………………………..........

d. äîñòè÷ü êîìïðîìèññà………………………………………………………………………

å. èäåàëüíûé ðåçóëüòàò………………………………………………………………………….

f. ïîëó÷èòü çàêàç…………………………………………………………………..

g. ïîáåäèòåëü è ïðîèãðàâøèé……………………………………………………

h. ïîñòàâùèê………………………………………………………………………

i. äëèòåëüíûå îòíîøåíèÿ………………………………………………………………………..

j. âåñòè áèçíåñ………………………………………………………………………………

k. íàâûêè………………………………………………………………………………

l. óçíàâàòü, ðàñïîçíàâàòü………………………………………………………………………

m. ñðîêè äîñòàâêè……………………………………………………………………………

n. ïîòåðÿòü ñàìîîáëàäàíèå……………………………………………………………………

o. âîçðàæåíèå………………………………………………………………………

5. Prove the following statements (àgree or disagree)

1. A good negotiator needs to be a psychologist.

2. The main goal of a negotiator is to get an order.

3. The quiet customers are the easiest to deal with.



1. Êëþ÷ ê óñïåøíûì ïåðåãîâîðàì – õîðîøàÿ ïîäãîòîâêà. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Ïåðåãîâîðùèê äîëæåí ïîíèìàòü îæèäàíèÿ ñâîåãî êëèåíòà.


3. Âû äîëæíû çíàòü, ÷òî ïîäëåæèò îáñóæäåíèþ, à ÷òî – íåò.


4. Öåëü ïåðåãîâîðùèêà – çàêëþ÷èòü ñäåëêó, êîòîðîé äîâîëüíû îáå ñòîðîíû è ïîëó÷èòü çàêàç.


5. Â óñïåøíûõ ïåðåãîâîðàõ íåò ïîáåäèòåëåé è íåò ïîáåæäåííûõ.


6. Åñëè âû äîâåðÿåòå ñâîåìó ïàðòíåðó, âû ìîæåòå âåñòè áèçíåñ áûñòðåå. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

7. Ïåðåãîâîðùèê äîëæåí áûòü ïñèõîëîãîì è ïîíèìàòü, êîãäà êëèåíò ãîòîâ çàêëþ÷èòü ñäåëêó.



8. Åñëè êëèåíò íà÷èíàåò ãîâîðèòü î ñðîêàõ äîñòàâêè, îí óæå ïðèíÿë ðåøåíèå. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Âû íå äîëæíû ïûòàòüñÿ çàñòàâèòü êëèåíòà çàêëþ÷èòü êîíòðàêò, âû äîëæíû óáåäèòü (persuade) åãî.


10. Õîðîøèé ïåðåãîâîðùèê äîëæåí èìåòü àðãóìåíòû, ÷òîáû ïðåîäîëåòü âîçðàæåíèÿ êëèåíòà.


11. Òðóäíåå âñåãî èìåòü äåëî ñ «òèõèìè» êëèåíòàìè.



12. Åñëè íåò äèàëîãà, òðóäíî ïîñòðîèòü îòíîøåíèÿ.


13. Íåêîòîðûå êëèåíòû àãðåññèâíû, ïîòîìó ÷òî ÷óâñòâóþò ñåáÿ íåóâåðåííî.


14. Ïåðåãîâîðùèê íå äîëæåí òåðÿòü ñàìîîáëàäàíèå.


15. Êîíôðîíòàöèÿ íå âåäåò íèêóäà.




1. Dealing with customer complaints

The following are parts of a telephone conversation between a customer and the Customer Services clerk. Put them in the correct order.

Receptionist: Hello, Great Outdoors.

A Yes, please. It's about a waterproof jacket I bought last year.

B Thank you for your help.

C Could you put me through to Customer Services, please?

D I washed it according to the instructions on the label and now it's leaking.

E I bought it in your branch but I don't live in the area. Can I return it to my local branch?

F I realize it's no longer under guarantee but I don't think a quality item should wear out so quickly.

1 And what seems to be the problem?

2 Yes, that's no problem at all, just as long as you've kept the receipt.

3 Thank you. Goodbye.

4 Customer Services, can I help you?

5 How long have you had it?

6 Well, you'll need to bring it into the branch so that we can have a look at it, and give you a credit note or a refund.


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