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I'm a Medical Student

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 406.

Lesson 2

Make a dialogue between a customer and the air company employee (call handler)

A receipt – чек, квитанция

A branch – отделение, филиал

A credit note – ваучер на покупку

A refund – возврат (денег)

To wear out - изнашиваться

To be under guarantee – быть под гарантией

To leak - протекать

A waterproof jacket – водонепроницаемая куртка

To put smb through to.. – соединить с..


2. Dialogue

Customer: You went on a flight to Moscow for a business trip. The plane was four hours delayed, your luggage was lost, and there was no food available on the flight. You feel the company should refund you the price of the ticket and apologize for their poor service.

Call handler: You want to be friendly and helpful, but you cannot offer any refund. Your company does not want to apologize because the lost luggage was the airport's fault, not your company's.


Explain who you are and what the problem is.

Call handler

Answer the phone and identify yourself.


Say why you are dissatisfied.

Call handler

Ask the customer for information.


Supply the information.

Call handler

Apologize for the situation.


Respond courteously and end the conversation.

Call handler

Say goodbye.

3. Make a talk about the skills of a good negotiator.


Text:I am a Medical Student

Grammar:The Pronoun (Indefinite. Negative)

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