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II. Give opposites of the following.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 385. I. Give the English equivalents of the following from the text. III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises Answer the following questions. 1. Why is it very important for everybody to make the right choice of profession? 2. What is the school leaving for you? 3. Who helped you to choose your occupation? 4. Why have you decided to become a doctor's assistant? 5. What are the duties of the doctor's assistant? 6. Why have you entered Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University? 7. How can you describe your university life? 8. At the end of each semester the students pass examinations and tests, don't they? 9. What pre-clinical subjects have you already learnt? 10. Are there any facilities for medical students to carry on research work? 11. Do you understand the difficulties of your profession? 12. The profession of a doctor's assistant is the one which requires a real calling for it, isn't it?
Правильний вибір професії, почесна професія, початок незалежного життя, випробування здібностей і характеру, фельдшер, історія хвороби, здійснювати огляд, діагностувати захворювання, призначати ліки, вищий медичний заклад, анатомічна зала, навчальний рік, проводити науково-дослідницьку роботу, наукове товариство, справжнє покликання.
Wrong choice of profession, dependent life, easy and uninteresting profession, previous morning, talentless student, similar departments, outdated guidelines, former profession, insignificant art.