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Преобразуйте предложения из активных в пассивные.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 430.

Проанализируйте предложения, данные в таблице, с точки зрения того, какая глагольная форма (активная или пассивная) используется в качестве сказуемого в каждом случае, как она образуется и с какой целью используется. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Unit 13. Medical Education.

Модуль 2. Учебная единица 2.

Grammar Focus: 1) Глагольные формы в пассивном залоге. 2) Разделительные вопросы.
Vocabulary focus: Лексика по теме «Медицинское образование».
Active Passive
1) The students sell their old textbooks on the Medical School's website. 2) The old textbooks are sold on the Medical School's website.
3) During clinical teaching we usually discuss a case. 4) A case is usually discussed during clinical teaching.
5) The students dissected a cadaver in the lab yesterday. 6) A cadaver was dissected in the lab yesterday.
7) Professor N. taught Organic Chemistry. 8) Organic Chemistry was taught to 2-year Pharmacy students by Professor N.
9) You will never forget the smell of formaldehyde in the Anatomy lab. 10) The smell of formaldehyde in the Anatomy lab will never be forgotten.
11) I will make all the necessary phone calls tomorrow. 12) All the necessary phone calls will be made tomorrow.

Задайте вопросы к словам, выделенным в предложениях курсивом. Обращайте внимание на вспомогательные глаголы. Вопросы можно оформить в виде таблицы. Образец:

Вопрос. слово Вспом. глагол Подлежащее Основной (смысловой) глагол Оставшаяся часть вопроса
1. What do the students sell on the Medical School's website?
2. Where are the old textbooks sold? --

Образец: Prof. N teaches us Chemistry. – Chemistry is taught by Prof. N.

1) Medical students study pre-clinical subjects in the first year.

2) Professor M. gives us many examples in his lectures.

3) Medical students download these articles from the Internet.

4) In 2010 German medical students visited our campus.

5) Jane made the report on healthy diets on Monday.

6) We will take the final test on Tuesday.

7) Professor N. delivers lectures in Human Anatomy in Room 2.

8) My friend translated the article on flu vaccination.

9) The students dissected a cadaver in the lab yesterday.

10) The students sell their old textbooks on the Medical School's website.

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