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ÍÅÊÎÒÎÐÛÅ ÏÐÅÄËÎÃÈ ÂÐÅÌÅÍÈDate: 2015-10-07; view: 422. Exercise 1. Write the time in words. ÂÐÅÌß LANGUAGE USE BIOGRAPHIES AND FILM CAREERS Unit 4
What time is it? 11:00 – It's eleven o'clock (in the morning / am) 19:00 – It's seven o'clock (in the evening / pm)
10:05 – It's five (minutes) pastten 10:15 – It's (a) quarter pastten 10:23 – It's twenty-three (minutes) pastten 10:30 – It's half pastten
10:35 – It's twenty-five (minutes) toeleven 10:45 – It's (a) quarter toeleven 10:54 – It's six (minutes) toeleven
1) 5:00 20:00 9:30 22:30 23:15 6:15 18:10 7:20 2:15 4:03
2) 9:45 17:45 8:50 13:38 22:56 11:45 16:31 19:40
3) 7:30 15:15 12:45 23:59 6:02 14:35 18:30 8:50 9:46 17:45 Îáðàòèòå âíèìàíèå!
1) Åñëè åñòü ñëîâà this, that,last,next, òî íå íàäî óïîòðåáëÿòü íèêàêèõ ïðåäëîãîâ. on Sunday – that Sunday, in autumn – next autumn, at Christmas – last Christmas
2) Ó ïðåäëîãà in åñòü åù¸ îäíî çíà÷åíèå – “÷åðåç” in a week – ÷åðåç íåäåëþ in a few days – ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî äíåé